1 The Role of Parental Labour in Career Transitions: Introduction.- How This Book Came to Be.- Our Positionality.- Chapter Structure.- Terminology.- References.- 2 Care Experience and Transitions to Higher Education: How Our Understanding of a Particular Cohort’s Experience Illuminates Wider Experiences of Disparity in Education.- Introduction.- Bourdieu and the Bachelors’ Ball.- OOHC and Care Experience.- Histories of Abuse and Trauma.- Care Experience and Criminal Justice Over-representation.- Data Collection Issues.- Care, Careers, and Education.- Research Design and Methods.- References.- 3 Parenting as a Part of the School Ecosystem.- Introduction.- Parents Becoming Responsibilised and Part of the Schooling System.- Expectations of Parents.- Summary.- References.- 4 The Development of Career-Related Early Intentions in the Home.- Introduction.- Social Reproduction and Career Influences.- How Ideas About Careers Develop.- Career Support.- Expectations.- The Absence of Parental Support.- Role of Parents.- Summary.- References.- 5 Parents’ Assumed Role in Higher Education Transition.- Introduction.- Massification of Higher Education.- Transition Awareness.- Higher Education Institutions Marketing to Students.- Populations with Less Likelihood of Support.- Institutional Programmatic Support.- Institutional Support.- Summary.- References.- 6 Attenuated Youth: Support from Parents into Adulthood.- Introduction.- Support Needed in Higher Education.- National and Institutional Policy Support for All Students.- Gaps in Intergovernmental/Agency Collaboration.- Institutional Support in Higher Education.- Summary.- References.- 7 The Responsibilisation of Parental Labour in Education Practice: A Framework for Analysis.- Introduction.- Governmentality and Technologies of the Self.- Neoliberalism and Political Rationalities.- Neoliberalism, Governmentality, and Parenting.- The Parental Role.- The ‘IdealParent’.- Responsibilisation, Schools, and Parental Labour.- Responsibilisation, Deficit, and Parental Labour.- Parental Involvement in Higher Education.- Goldilocks Zone.- Conclusion.- References.- 8 Conclusion.- Introduction.- Recommendations.- Data Collection.- Systemic Focus on ‘Traditional’ Students and Deficit Discourse.- Institutional Resourcing and Support.- Future Research.- References.- Appendix A: Participant Pseudonyms.- Appendix B: Interview Schedule.