Six Sigma Implementation at Dow Chemical Company: A Comprehensive Review; Introduction;The Dow Chemical Company; The Six Sigma Program at Dow; Preamble and Preparation; The Six Sigma Journey; Dow’s Six Sigma Methodology at Variance; The Staircase of Change Leadership Model for Six Sigma Implementation; Six Sigma Project Organisational Structure; Six Sigma tools, Techniques, Software and Information technology; Tools and Techniques used by Dow for Six Sigma projects; Six Sigma Software; IT and Six Sigma at Dow; Where is Dow on its Six Sigma Journey?; Selected Case Studies; Energy Conservation Studies; Polycarbonate Unit Energy Reduction Project; System Unit Energy Envelopment Project; An Ergonomic Case Study (DMAIC Approach); Lessons and Insights from Dow’s Six Sigma program; Concluding Remarks; Manufacturing Waste Reduction Using Six Sigma Methodology; Introduction; Project Selection; Six Sigma Project: Re-winder Performance; Define Phase; Measure Phase; Analyse Phase; Improve Phase; Sub-system CTQ sigma level; Gap’s Transfer Function; Control Phase; Temporary Solution; Sustained solution; Process Capability; Control Plan; Conclusions; Process Improvement at TATA STEEL using the ASPIRE-DMAIC approach; Tata Steel Company; ASPIRE and Six Sigma at TATA STEEL; Project Selection; Introduction to the project; Purpose of Coke Quenching; Quenching process; ASPIRE DMAIC Approach; The Define Phase; The Measure Phase; The Analyse Phase; The Improve Phase; The Control Phase; Conclusion; Improving Product Reliability Using Six Sigma; Introduction; Six Sigma in the Collaborative Company; DMAIC Case Study; Define Phase; Define the Problem; Define the Advocacy team; Potential Financial Benefits; Project Charter; Measure Phase; Process Mapping; Identify potential causal factors; Identify stakeholders’ issues; Measurement System Analysis; Analysis Phase; Improve Phase; Control Phase; Financial confirmation of process capability; Stakeholder’s issues revisited; Agree line inspection frequency; Conclusion; Reducing the Engine Overheating problem in an Automotive Company using Six Sigma; Introduction; Case Study; Define Phase; Measure Phase; Analysis Phase; Improve Phase; Control Phase; Key results and financial savings generated from the project; Key ingredients of Six Sigma project implementation; Conclusion; An Application of Six Sigma Methodology to the manufacture of Coal Products; Introduction; Company background; Define Phase; Product, Customers and CTQs; Project Charter; Business Case; Statement of the Problem; Project Goal; Project Scope; Team formation; Milestones and Communications plan; Business process mapping; Measure Phase; Measurement System Analysis; Process Baseline; Process Description; Analyse Phase; Improve Phase; Control Phase; Economic Benefits obtained; Conclusions, comments and lessons learned; Six Sigma in Healthcare: A Case Study with CommonwealthHealth Corporation (CHC); Introduction to CHC; Why Six Sigma in CHC?; Six Sigma structure at CHC; Six Sigma Methodology; Benefits of Six Sigma; Critical Success Factors of Six Sigma in Healthcare; Clinical Project Example using DMAIC; Define; Measure; Analyse; Improve; Control; Conclusion; Six Sigma within Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction Company; Introduction; Background to Doosan Heavy Industry; Doosan’s Six Sigma Framework; Top level management commitment; Stakeholder involvement; Training scheme and project team activities; Measurement system; How to select project themes in Doosan?; Doosan’s Black Belt Course; Case Study; Define; Measure; Analyze; Improve; Control; Doosan’s Future Plans in Six Sigma; Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma; Differences between Lean and Six Sigma; Synergy effect; Conclusion; Application of Six Sigma in Banking Industry; Introduction; Why Six Sigma in the Banking Industry?; Adoption of Six Sigma in the Banking Industry; Introduction to JP Morgan Chase and its use of Six Sigma; Introduction to JPMC Investors Services; Define; Measure; Analyze;Improve/Implement; Control and Project Results; Conclusion; Some Challenges of Six Sigma in the Banking Industry; Future Trends of Six Sigma in Banking; Six Sigma Approach to reducing fall hazards among cargo handlers working on top of cargo containers: a case study; Introduction and Background; Problem Statement; Details of cargo handling activities; Objectives and overview; Define; Past statistics on fall accidents in the cargo handling industry in Hong Kong; Interview surveys to establish the Working procedures; Measure; Preliminary interview; Measurement tree; Questionnaire development; Reliability of the questionnaire; Measurement I; Measurement II; Measurement III; Analyse; Critical factor I; Critical factor II; Critical factor III; Most critical procedure; Improve; Solution I; Solution II; Solution III;Solution IV;Control; Conclusion; Six Sigma for Government IT: Strategy & Tactics for Washington, DC; Introduction; Motivations; Six Sigma and Quality Concepts; Information Technology Infrastructure Library; Information Technology Infrastructure Library Maturity; Assessment and Improvement of Service Level Management; Assessment and Improvement of Capacity Management; Assessment and Improvement of Financial Management; Assessment and Improvement of Availability Management; Availability management - Define and Measure Phases; Availability Management – Analyse Phase and Benchmarking; Availability Management Conclusions; Assessment and Improvement of Service Continuity; Define, Measure and Analyse Phases for Service Continuity; Continuity Design Phase; Continuity Verify Phase; Conclusion; Increasing Newspaper Accuracy – A Case Study; Introduction; Define Phase; Measure Phase; Analyse Phase; Improve Phase; Control Phase; Results; Success Factors and lessons Learned; Deploying Six Sigma Company-wide; An Application of Six Sigma in Human Resources; Alan Harrison; Introduction; Before Improvements; Define Phase; People; Processes; Definition of customer needs and objectives; Measure; Key Performance Indicators; Cost of Poor Quality; Analyse; Improve; Control; Achieved Benefits; Conclusion