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nafziger e. wayne; stewart frances; v"ayrynen raimo - war, hunger, and displacement: the origins of humanitarian emergencies: volume 1

War, Hunger, and Displacement: The Origins of Humanitarian Emergencies: Volume 1 The Origins of Humanitarian Emergencies

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Lingua: Inglese
Pubblicazione: 10/2000


Since the end of the cold war, the number of civil wars in developing countries has escalated to the point where they are the most significant source of human suffering in the world today. Although there are many political analyses of these emergencies, this two-volume work is the first comprehensive study of the economic, social, and political roots of humanitarian emergencies, identifying early measures to prevent such disasters.

Note Editore

Civil wars in developing countries are amongst the most significant sources of human suffering in the world today. Although there are many political analyses of these emergencies, this two-volume work is the first comprehensive study of the economic, social, and political roots of humanitarian emergencies, identifying early measures to prevent such disasters. Nafziger, Stewart, and Väyrynen draw on a wide range of specialists on the political economy of war and on major conflicts to show the causes of conflict. The first volume provides a general overview of the nature and causes of the emergencies, including economic, political, and environmental factors. The second volume provides detailed case studies of thirteen conflicts (including Rwanda, Burundi, the Congo, Afghanistan, and the Caucasus) that originated in the weakness of the state or where economic factors predominate. The volumes emphasize the significance of protracted economic stagnation and decline, government exclusion of distinct social groups, state failure, predatory rule, and high and increasing inequality, especially horizontal inequalities, or inequality among groups in access to political, economic, and social resources. They criticize beliefs recurrent in the literature that emergencies are the result of deteriorating environmental conditions or structural adjustment, or arise from ethnic animosities alone. Violent conflicts and state violence arise from the interaction of cultural, economic, and political factors. Following this analysis of the causes of war and genocide, the work points to policies that would help to prevent humanitarian emergencies in developing countries, which would be much less costly than the present strategy of the world community of spending millions of dollars annually to provide mediation, relief, and rehabilitation after the conflict occurs.


1 - The Root Causes of Humanitarian Emergencies
2 - Complex Humanitarian Emergencies: Concepts and Issues
3 - The Economic Causes of Humanitarian Emergencies
4 - The Conflict Over Natural and Environmental Resources
5 - Water Scarcity as a Source of Crises
6 - Stabilization Programmes, Social Costs, Violence, and Humanitarian Emergencies
7 - Political Causes of Humanitarian Emergencies
8 - War, Crime, and Access to Resources
9 - Ethnicity and the Politics of Conflict: The Case of Matabeleland
1 - Case Studies of Complex Humanitarian Emergencies: An Introduction
2 - Afghanistan: The Last Cold War Conflict, the First Post-Cold War Conflict
3 - Cambodia: Genocide, Autocracy, and the Overpolitized State
4 - Iraq: Economic Embargo and Predatory Rule
5 - Burundi: The Long Sombre Shadow of Ethnic Instability
6 - Rwanda: The Social Roots of Genocide
7 - Somalia: The Struggle for Resources
8 - Liberia and Sierra Leone: The Competition for Patronage in Resource-Rich Economies
9 - Congo (Zaire): Corruption, Disintegration, and State Failure
10 - Kenya: Economic Decline and Ethnic Politics
11 - Haiti: Towards the Abyss? Poverty, Dependence, and Resource Depletion
12 - El Salvador: Economic Disparities, External Intervention, and Civil Conflict
13 - The South Caucasus: The Breakdown of the Soviet Empire
14 - Weak States and Humanitarian Emergencies: Failure, Predation, and Rent-Seeking

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Condizione: Nuovo
Collana: WIDER Studies in Development Economics
Dimensioni: 242 x 25.0 x 163 mm Ø 699 gr
Formato: Copertina rigida
Illustration Notes:tables
Pagine Arabe: 366

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