1 - 'Recapitulation', William M. Ivins, Jr
2 - 'The Visual Image: Its Place in Communication', E.H. Gombrich
3 - 'In Plato's Cave', Susan Sontag
4 - 'Blood and Circuses', Kate Cregan
5 - 'A Cultural Anatomy of the Visible Human Project', Lisa Cartwright
6 - 'Flesh in Wax: Demystifying the Skin Colours of the Common Crayon', Lorna Roth *
7 - 'Professional Vision', Charles Goodwin
8 - 'Visual Literacy in Action: "Law in the Age of Images"', Richard K. Sherwin
9 - 'The Pleasures of Looking: The Attorney General's Commission on Pornography versus Visual Images', Carole S. Vance
10 - 'The Suspicious and the Self-Promotional: About Those Photographs We Post on Facebook', Ira Wagman*
11 - 'Deconstructing the Map', J.B. Harley
12 - 'Mind the Gap: The London Underground Map and Users' Representations of Urban Space', Janet Vertesi
13 - 'Powell's Point: Denial and Deception at the UN', Jonathan Finn
14 - 'To Tell the Truth: Codes of Objectivity in Photojournalism', Dona Schwartz
15 - 'Photojournalism and the Tabloid Press', Karin E. Becker
16 - 'Miller's Crossing: War, Surrealism, and Vogue', Karen Engle*
17 - 'The Modern Art Museum: It's a Man's World', Carol Duncan
18 - '"Whiffs of Balsam, Pine, and Spruce": Art Museums and the Production of a Canadian Aesthetic', Anne Whitelaw
19 - 'The Mask Stripped Bare by Its Curators: The Work of Hybridity in the Twenty-First Century', Ruth B. Phillips
20 - 'Through a Canadian Lens: Discourses of Nationalism and Aboriginal Representation in Governmental Photographs', Carol Payne
21 - 'Votes for Stoves: Everywoman's World and the Canadian Citizen/Consumer in the Early Twentieth Century', Anne-Marie Kinahan*
22 - 'Meatballs Matters', Peter Urquhart*
23 - 'Television in the Family Circle', Lynn Spigel
24 - 'Virtually Live: Digital Broadcast Cinema and the Performing Arts', Paul Heyer*
25 - 'From Counting Calories to Fun Food: Regulating the TV Diet in the Age of Obesity', Stephen Kline and Jacqueline Botterill*