Andrew mine, Jasper mine; Auld Lang Syne; Away in a manger; Bethl'em lay a-sleeping; Child in a manger; Children, go!; Christmas Calypso; Dance of the Reed Pipes; Deck the hall; Ding dong! merrily on high; God rest you merry, gentlemen; Good King Wenceslas; Go tell it on the mountain; Hark! the herald-angels sing; Hogmanay Reel; Infant holy, infant lowly; I saw three ships; Jingle, bells; Mary had a baby; O Christmas tree; O come, all ye faithful; O little town of Bethlehem; Once in royal David's city; Shepherds watched; Silent night; Skaters' Waltz; The first Nowell; The holly and the ivy; We three kings; We wish you a merry Christmas; While shepherds watched their flocks; Zither Carol; Tuning track (A-D-G-C)