Verification and Validation: Concepts, Issues, and Applications.- Resilience Theory and System Evaluation.- On The Future Of Hybrid Human-Machine Systems.- Basic Considerations in Verification and Validation.- Validation in Complex Systems: Behavioral Issues.- Defining Human-Centered System Issues for Verifying and Validating Air Traffic Control Systems.- Evaluating the Impact of New Technology on Human-Machine Cooperation.- Integrating Verification and Validation with the Design of Complex Man-Machine Systems.- Assessment of Complexity.- Limits to Analysis and Verification.- The Validation and Verification of Complex Knowledge-Based Systems.- The Reliability Of Interactive Systems: Simulation Based Assessment.- The Identification of Latent Organizational Failures in Complex Systems.- The Role of Incident Investigation in System Validation.- Problems of Systematic Safety Assessments: Lessons Learned from Aircraft Accidents.- Major Incidents, Safe and Reliable Verdicts and the Process of Verification and Validation.- The Human Component of System Validation.- When Task Demand is Variable: Verifying and Validating Mental Workload in Complex, “Real World” Systems.- Performance Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems.- Requirements Analysis for Human System Information Exchange.- Working Memory and Human-Machine Systems.- The Role of Verification and Validation in the Design Process of Knowledge Based Components of Air Traffic Control Systems.- Automation and Representation in Complex Man-Machine Systems.- How to Fit the Man-Machine Interface and Mental Models of the Operators.- Cultures with Requisite Imagination.- System Validation — A Step in a Continuous Improvement Process.- Cultural Behavior in the Airline Cockpit System: A Theoretical Framework Proposal.- TheInclusion of Future Users in the Design and Evaluation Process.- User Involvement in the Development of Highly Interactive Software Systems.- Psychological Aspects of Human Factors Testing and Evaluation of Military Human-Machine Systems.- Involving the User in the Design of Computer-Based Displays in Power Plant Control Rooms.- Systems Theory Versus Verification and Validation.- Controlling Factors: An Operator’s Perspective.- What They Want Is What They Get?.- Contemporary Issues in ATC System Development.- Validation Problems in Air Traffic Control Systems.- Simulating and Evaluating the Future — Pitfalls or Success?.- The National Plan for Aviation Human Factors.- Test and Evaluation Program for a Prototype of an Advanced Computerized Control Room for Nuclear Power Plants.- Validation Issues in Decision Support Systems for Maintenance Planning.- Artificial Habitat for Man in Extreme Environments as an Integrated Human-Machine System.- Concept of a FMS/ATC Air-Ground Data Link Testbed Employing an Airbus A340 Full Flight Simulator.- The Qualification of Military Aircraft Cockpits.- The Use of Video to Verify and Validate Human System Interactions: A Methodology.- Potential Application of Neural Networks to Verification and Validation of Complex Systems.- Verification and Validation of the Training Components of Highly Complex Systems.- An Expert Air Traffic Control Teaching Machine: Critical Learning Issues.- Interaction of Stages in Validating and Verifying ATC Training.- The Verification of Pilot Abilities as a Basis for Validating Flight Crew Competency.- Closing Remarks.- Complex and Integrated Human-Machine Systems: Retroflections.- Lecturers, Participants, and Staff.