Contents: Expanding Transatlantic relations: implications for environment and energy politics, Miranda A. Schreurs, Henrik Selin and Stacy D. VanDeveer; Part I Governing Within and Beyond the State: Comparative Environmental Governance and Its Implications for Policy Development: governance for sustainable development: the United States and the European Union compared, Elizabeth Bomberg; Intergovernmental management of environmental policy in the United States and the EU, Sonja Wälti. Part II Governing Risk: Chemical Regulations, Asbestos Bans, Product Standards, and Genetically Modified Organisms: Transatlantic politics of chemicals management, Henrik Selin; Oceans apart? Policy reversals, transatlantic politics, and the EU asbestos ban, Marcus Carson; Targeting consumer product environmental impacts across the Atlantic, Alastair Iles; Transatlantic food fights in an era of globalization: when menus, rules and choices collide, Patricia M. Keilbach; Implications of the transatlantic biotech dispute for developing countries, Thomas Bernauer and Philipp Aerni. Part III Governing Carbon: Renewable Energy and Climate Change: Promotion of renewable energy in the United States and the European Union: policy progress and prospects, Ian H. Rowlands; Conflict and cooperation in transatlantic climate politics: different stories at different levels, Miranda A. Schreurs, Henrik Selin and Stacy D. VanDeveer. Part IV Governing Global Markets: Environmental Standards and Certification Approaches: Export promotion, trade, and the environment: negotiating environmental standards for export credit agencies across the Atlantic, Marcus Schaper; The emergence of non-state environmental governance in European and North American forest sectors, Benjamin Cashore, Graeme Auld, Deanna Newsom and Elizabeth Egan; Mad cows and ailing hens: the transatlantic relationship and livestock diseases, Kate O'Neill. Conclusion: Transatlantic environmental relations: implications for the global community, Miranda A. Schreurs, Henrik Selin and Stacy D. VanDeveer; References; Index.