Table of Contents List of Figures and Tables Preface to the English Edition Preface About the Author About the Translator The Characters Journey One: Growth Journey Part 1: The Team Leader grows as a production supervisor 01. Team Leader Julie looks back at her notes -Keeping everything in order, Seiri-Seiton -Kaizen in operation -Manufacturing the amount that has been sold -As a Production Supervisor Part 2: Overview of the purpose of the Toyota Production System 02. Trigger 03. Purpose 04. Consideration Journey Two: Meditation Journey Part 3: Encountering the Toyota Production System 05. Prologue 06. Encountering the Toyota Production System -The term "TPS" -Commitment to the terms 07. Getting through the R&D 08. Setting up a production line -Firstly, a review of the mass production process -If seen from "THE GOAL," this is "The Push" -From the perspective of TPS, this is "The Pull" 09. Transfer to the production workplace. How should the factory be managed? -Developing oneself through personnel training; the Toyota Production System is personnel training 10. Encountering Kanban at the start of mass production -What is the meaning of Kanban? Being able to use Kanban as a tool of Kaizen -What is the basic knowledge necessary to use Kanban? -Which book should we start with to study the Toyota Production System? Part 4: Production by way of Kanban 11. Machine-based: The machine-based workplace managed via Kanban -Why is the term "Frequent-Stop" appropriate? PM of keeping the machinery functioning properly is one prerequisite in TPS. 12. Manual-based: Working on the assembly line 13. An"Anti-TPS" force? -Genba (Production Workplace) oriented policy; Go and see for yourself 14. Kanban as part of the daily management routine -The term "see": being able to do a Standing Observation by following Genba (Production Workplace) oriented policy -Investigating the root cause using "Visual Control" and the "Five Whys" Part 5: Standing still and observing the jobsite by means of Genchi-Gembutsu 15. Observing the Production Workplace closely using Standing Observation; How worthless management that exists only on paper is! -Kanban written in hiragana, and how to make choices regarding Muda using katakana and hiragana 16. Is it easy to manage in the Kanban world!? ; What is the role of the manager? -Drawing the schematic diagram of the basic concept of the Toyota Production System -The Two-Pillars of Just-In-Time and Jidoka 17. The role of the Assistant Manager in the Toyota Production System -As a technical expert of R&D and Production Engineering Part 6: Learning the Toyota Production System as a technical expert in mid-position 18. Learning the Toyota Production System together with young technical experts -What is the knowledge the staff should learn in TPS? 19. Learning the role of the Toyota Production System -Encountering the Toyota production System -The Manufacturing workplace for the Just-for-You-Product -Striving for the ideal features -Continuing to learn 20. The never-ending pursuit -Dreaming Journey Three. Implementation Journey Part 7: Entering the Kaizen Promotion Organization 21. New departure -Respect for People; The term "worker" 22. Transfer to the managing division of TPS activities 23. The way to advance the activity: Organization for promoting TPS 24. What is the company-wide function of OMCD? -The role of OMCD from the viewpoint of company function 25. TPS activity is mainly implemented in the Production Division under the support of the TPS Promotion Department Part 8: Implementation in Jishuken 26. The Institute for the Study of the Toyota Production System: Jishuken 27. Organization, themes and attendees of Jishuken -What is the level of TPS in the company? The level of the changing features of TPS evaluated on a scale of one to five 28. The activity teams in Jishuken divided into Production and Logistics -Just-In-Time and Jidoka 29. Learning the ideology and the techniques, implementing Kaizen in Jishuken inside the company Part 9: Becoming a Kaizen practitioner 30. Productivity: Apparent Efficiency and True Efficiency, Rate of Operation and Operational Availability 31. Improvement of work in the production line 1: The Muda of work, the ideology of Flexible Manpower Line 32. Improvement of work in the production line 2: Standardized Work -Let’s establish Standardized Work in the case of the barbershop! -The importance of Standardized Work -The difference between two terms: Standardized Work and Work Standards 33. Improvement of machine in the production line 34. Improvement of process in the production line 35. As a Kaizen practitioner Part 10: President of supplier remembers the Kaizen activities 36. President of supplier looks back 37. President had a bad time with poor instruction 38. Reviewing the Kaizen activity 39. Restarting the TPS activity 40. Establishing the continuous TPS Kaizen activity Journey Four. Deepening Journey Part 11: Learning the true procedure for Kaizen 41. When absentminded - 5S (Five S’s) 42. Visualizing the workplace by initially doing 2S, especially in the TPS level grade A company 43. Proceeding initally to sketch out the ideal state - Individual TPS Instructor explains the different schedules or methods for improving the level of TPS - Kaizen Activity Procedure: Sketching out the ideal state - Kaizen Activity Procedure: Kaizen or Kaikaku (innovation)? Part 12: Advancing toward the high-level features of TPS 44. Learning the high-level features of TPS, implementing Kaizen Production in Jishuken inside the company -The inventory is the outcome; Once-in-a-lifetime Inventory Reduction -If having inventory is the worst TPS situation, should the target be to be inventory-less? 45. Learning the high-level features of TPS, implementing Kaizen of Logistics in Jishuken outside the company -Why should we practice the production of small lot sizes or the conveyance of small lot sizes? -Is it correct that the Fill-Up System of Production is a fundamental principle in the Toyota Production System? 46. Implementing the activities in a different culture where a practitioner develops the ability to find out the problem -Manpower Saving and Human Resources; May layoffs happen after improvement? 47. Changing features of the Toyota Production System Part 13: The Features of TPS 48. The Features of TPS (Global TPS: Schematic Diagram of the Toyota Production System) -The meaning of "The Features of TPS": The narrowly interpreted TPS and the broadly interpreted TPS 49. Overview of the Toyota Production System (TPS): "Three Keys," "Four Behaviors" and "The Features of Monodzukuri (Manufacturing)" -The never-ending Journey as a TPS specialist Glossary References