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salar raj kumar - thermophilic fungi

Thermophilic Fungi Basic Concepts and Biotechnological Applications

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Lingua: Inglese

CRC Press

Pubblicazione: 03/2018
Edizione: 1° edizione

Note Editore

This book aims to fill the gap by documenting thermophilic fungi discovered over the past five decades. The chapters spans from covering basic aspects, taxonomy and classification including molecular phyologeny and biotechnological applications of thermophilic fungi.


Basic Concepts: Introduction. Origin of thermophily in Fungi. Physiology of thermophilic fungi. Habitat Diversity. Taxonomy, Biodiversity and Classification. Bioprospecting of thermophilic fungi. Taxonomy and Molecular phylogeny of thermophilic fungi. Biodiversity and taxonomic status. The conflict of name change and synonymies. Biotechnological Applications. Role of thermophilic fungi in composting. Bioremediation and Biomineralization. Biocatalysts of Thermophilic Fungi.Future perspectives and Conclusions.


Dr. R K Salar, Professor in the Dept of Biotech., CDLU, Sirsa is an active scientist who has made significant contribution in the field of Biotechnology. He received Grants from DST, UGC, HSCST for R&D. He is a recipient of PDF from the Min. of Edu. Slovakia. He was awarded KACST award (Saudi Arabia) for Best Research Paper published in 3 Biotech Journal. He has published a book entitled Biotechnology: Prospects and Applications from Springer. He is a reviewer of several reputed Journals.

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Condizione: Nuovo
Dimensioni: 9.25 x 6.25 in Ø 1.60 lb
Formato: Copertina rigida
Illustration Notes:27 b/w images and 25 color images
Pagine Arabe: 334
Pagine Romane: xviii

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