Michael Charles Tobias earned his Ph.D. in the History of Consciousness at the University of California-Santa Cruz, specializing in global ecological ethics and the interdisciplinary humanities. He has conducted field research in over 90 countries, producing a wide-ranging, body of work that embraces the history of science, aesthetics, anthrozoology, comparative literature, philosophy, and natural history in the context of a multitude of current and potential-future scientific, geo-political, economic, and social scientific scenarios. Tobias has been on the faculties of such colleges and universities as Dartmouth, the University of California-Santa Barbara, the University of New Mexico-Albuquerque and Georgia College & State University. For 18 years Tobias has been President of the Dancing Star Foundation (www.dancingstarfoundation.org; www.dancingstarnews.com). The Theoretical Individual is Tobias’ 4th book with Springer.
Jane Gray Morrison, Executive Vice President of the Dancing Star Foundation for 18 years, has written and co-edited dozens of books, including Sanctuary: Global Oases of Innocence (www.sanctuary-thebook.org), Donkey: The Mystique of Equus Asinus (Council Oak Books), Why Life Matters (Springer) and Anthrozoology (Springer). In addition, Morrison has written, produced and/or directed numerous major film documentaries and docudramas that have been broadcast throughout the world. Among them are the ten-hour series, “Voice of the Planet” (TBS), “A Parliament of Souls” (PBS), “No Vacancy” (PBS), “A Day in the Life of Ireland” (PBS), “Mad Cowboy” (PBS) and “Hotspots” (www.hotspots-thefilm.com, PBS). A Goodwill Ambassador to Ecuador’s Yasuní National Park and early advocate for an Antarctic World Park (“Antarctica: The Last Continent” [PBS]), Ms. Morrison has worked to save endangered species and habitat on every continent. Those efforts have included the creationand management of one of the most successful mainland island scientific reserves in the Southern Hemisphere, on Stewart Island, New Zealand.