Part I: Social Identity, Health and Well-Being. Jetten,Haslam, S. A. Haslam, The Case for a Social Identity Analysis of Health and Well-Being. Sani, Group Identification, Social Relationships and Health. Tarrant, Hagger, Farrow, Promoting Positive Orientation Towards Health Through Social Identity. Helliwell, C. Barrington-Leigh, How Much is Social Capital Worth?Part II: Social Identity, Stigma and Coping. St Claire, Clucas, In Sickness and in Health: Influences of Social Categorizations on Health-Related Outcomes.Jetten, Pachana, Not Wanting to Grow Old: Using a Social Identity Model of Identity Change (SIMIC) to Understand the Impact of Driving Cessation in Older Adults. Branscombe, Fernández, Gómez, Cronin, Moving Toward or Away from a Group Identity: Different Strategies for Coping with Pervasive Discrimination. Matheson, Anisman, Biological and Psychosocial Responses to Discrimination. Part III: Social Identity, Stress and Trauma. Haslam, Reicher, Levine, When Other People Are Heaven, When Other People Are Hell: How Social Identity Determines the Nature and Impact of Social Support. van Dick, Haslam, Stress and Well-Being in the Workplace: Support for Key Propositions from the Social Identity Approach. Drury,Collective Resilience in Mass Emergencies and Disasters: A Social Identity Model. Kellezi, Reicher, ‘Social Cure’ or ‘Social Curse’?: The Psychological Impact of Extreme Events During the Kosovo Conflict. Part IV: Social Identity, Recovery and Rehabilitation. Douglas, Social Linkage, Self-Concept and Wellbeing after Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Jones, Jetten, Haslam, Williams,Deciding to Disclose: The Importance of Maintaining Social Relationships for Well-Being after acquired Brain Injury. Gracey, Ownsworth, The Experience of Self in the World: The Personal and Social Contexts of Identity Change after Brain Injury. Haslam, Jetten, Haslam, Knight, The Importance of Remembering and Deciding Together: Enhancing the Health and Well-Being of Older Adults in Care. Haslam, Jetten, Haslam, Conclusion. Advancing the Social Cure: Implications for Theory, Practice and Policy.