Contents Acknowledgements Criteria Introduction: In the Chameleon's Path Further Readings Chronology Samuel Ha-Nagid (Spain, 993-1056) Short Prayed in Time of Battle [poem] Solomon ben Gabirol (Spain, 1021/22-c. 1055) Fragment of Night Storm [poem] Moses ben Ezra (Spain, c.1055-c.1135) The Two Sons [poem] Yehuda Ha-Levi (Spain, before 1075-after 1141) My Heart is in the East [poem] Benjamin of Tudela (Spain, 12th century) Jerusalem [travelogue] Judah ben Tibbon (Spain, 1120-1190) On Books and on Writing [testament] Maimonides (Spain, 1135-1204) Fragment of Epistle to the Jews of Morocco [letter] Section from the Guide of the Perplexed [philosophical treatise] Nahmanides (Spain, 1195-1270) Fragment of Disputation of Barcelona [debate] Gonzalo de Berceo (Spain, 1195-1265) The Jews of Toledo [poem] Alfonso X El Sabio (Spain, 1221-1284) Concerning the Jews: Las siete partidas [legal document] Moisés de León (Spain, dead 1305) Fragment of The Zohar [mystical treatise Anonymous (Spain) Edict of 1492 [document] Fray Luis de León (Spain, 1528-1591) Serene Night [poem] Luis de Carvajal el Mozo (Mexico, 1567-1596) Fragment of Autobiographical Essay [memoir] Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas (Spain, 1580-1645) To a Nose [poem] Miguel Levi de Barrios (Spain, 1635-1701) One Well-Founded Faith [poem] Miguel de Unamuno (Spain, 1864-1936) Canción del sefardita [poem] Rubén Darío (Nicaragua 1867-1916) Israel [poem] Alberto Gerchunoff (Argentina, 1884-1950) A Jewish Gaucho [memoir] Américo Castro (Spain, 1885-1972) Fragment of The Structure of Spanish History [essay] Samuel Eichelbaum (Argentina, 1894-1967) The Good Harvest [story] Federico García Lorca (Spain, 1898-1936) Jewish Cemetery [poem] Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) The Secret Miracle [story] Pinkhes Berniker (Belarus-Cuba-U.S., 1908-1956) Jesús [story] Julio Cortázar (Argentina, 1914-1984) Press Clippings [story] Jacobo Timerman (Argentina, 1923-1998) Fragment of Prisoner Without a Name [memoir] Salomón Isacovici (Romania-Ecuador, 1924-1998) Fragment of Man of Ashes [memoir] Marshall T. Meyer (U.S.A.-Argentina, 1928-1993) Thoughts on Latin America [sermon] Angelina Muníz-Huberman (Mexico, 1936) Fragment of The Merchant of Tudela [fiction] Mario Vargas Llosa (Peru, 1936) Fragment of The Storyteller [fiction] Rosa Nissán (Mexico, 1939) Fragment of Like a Bride [novel] Alicia Freilich (Venezuela, 1939) Recollections of a Criolla Zionist [memoir] Homero Aridjis (Mexico, 1940) 'Sepharad, 1492 [poem] Ariel Dorfman (Chile-U.S.A., 1942) Fragment of Heading South, Looking North [memoir] Isaac Goldemberg (Peru-U.S.A., 1945) The Jew's Imprecise Sonnet [poem] Tino Villanueva (Mexico-U.S.A., 1945) At the U.S. Holocaust Museum, Washington D.C. [poem] Alcina Lubitch Domecq (Guatemala-Israel, 1953) Résumé Raisonné [memoir] Marjorie Agosín (Chile-U.S.A., 1955) Dear Anne Frank [poem] Ruth Behar (Cuba-U.S.A.. 1956) The Hebrew Cemetery of Guabanacoa [poem] Ilan Stavans (Mexico-U.S.A., 1961) Fragment of On Borrowed Words [memoir] Index by Theme Index