Synopsis of Contributions.- Introduction.- Philosophy of Trust.- Heresy and Honor. A Historical Perspective on Trust in Science.- Trusting Science: Is There Reasonable Distrust ofReputable Scientific Authority?.- Can There Be an Epistemic Authority?.- Trust Science With What? Trust-Building Dialogue between Scientists and the Public Trust in Science.- Scientific Experts, Epistemic Wisdom, and Justified Trust.- Confidence: Calibrating Trust in Science Trust and Policy.- Trust in Science During global challenges: the pandemic and trustworthy AI.- Science, Shame, and Trust: Against Shaming Policies, Sociological, Communicative and Media Aspects of Trust in Science. Establishing Trust in Algorithmic Results: Ground Truth Simulations and the First Empirical Images of a Black Hole.- Trust and Science Communication in the Internet Era: The Case of Mainstream Climate Blogging.- Emancipatory Data Literacy and the Value of Trust.- Only a Theory? Substantive and Methodological Strategies for Regaining Trust in Science.- Undermining Trust in Science: No Fraud Required.