Kevin M. Woods is a member of the research staff of the Institute for Defense Analyses. His studies on Iraq have been published in Foreign Affairs, Journal of Strategic Studies, and Intelligence and National Security, among others. He has authored and coauthored numerous studies, including Iraqi Perspective Report: Saddam's Senior Leadership on Operation Iraqi Freedom (2006) and The Mother of All Battles: Saddam Hussein's Strategic Plans for the Persian Gulf War (2008). Woods is a retired US Army officer with operational experience in Iraq during the 1991 and 2003 wars. Woods was the recipient of the 1997 J. William Middendorf II Award for Research at the Naval War College and the 2007 Andrew J. Goodpaster Award for Excellence in Research at the Institute for Defense Analyses.
David D. Palkki is the deputy director and senior researcher at the National Defense University's Conflict Records Research Center. He has authored and coauthored articles and chapters on Iraq that have been accepted for publication in International Security, in Diplomatic History, and by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Palkki is a PhD candidate in political science at the University of California, Los Angeles. His dissertation, 'Deterring Saddam's Iraq: Theory and Practice', draws heavily on the captured Iraqi records. He previously worked as a contractor at the Institute for Defense Analyses. He is a recipient of the Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation's Herbert York Fellowship and a National Science Foundation fellowship.
Mark E. Stout is a lecturer at Johns Hopkins University's Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, where he teaches courses in intelligence and strategic studies. He is also the historian at the International Spy Museum in Washington, DC. He was previously a research staff member at the Institute for Defense Analyses, and he has worked for the Department of the Army, the Department of State, and the Central Intelligence Agency. He is the coauthor of three books, including Iraqi Perspective Report: Saddam's Senior Leadership on Operation Iraqi Freedom (2006), First to the Rhine: The 6th Army Group in World War II (2007), and The Terrorist Perspectives Project: Strategic and Operational Views of Al Qaida and Associated Movements (2008). He has published articles in Intelligence and National Security, Studies in Intelligence, Journal of Strategic Studies, and Studies in Conflict and Terrorism.