1. Introduction to the international Companion to EBD – dilemmas and scope Ted Cole, Harry Daniels and John Visser SECTION I DEFINITIONS, LABELLING AND PATTERNS OF PROVISION Introduction to Section I Ted Cole, Harry Daniels and John Visser 2. Labeling and categorizing children and youth with emotional and behavioral disorders in the USA: current practices and conceptual problems James Kauffman 3. The labelling and categorisation of children with EBD: a cautionary consideration Roger Slee 4. ADHD and Children with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Katherine Bilton and Paul Cooper5. Institutional labeling and pupil careers: negotiating identities of children who do not fit in Eva Hjorne and Roger Saljo 6. Youth offending and emotional and behavioural difficulties Carol Hayden 7. Policy and provision for children with social emotional and behavioural difficulties in Scotland: inter-sections of gender and deprivation Sheila Riddell and Gillian McCluskey8. How children and young people with emotional and behavioural difficulties see themselves Gale Macleod 9. The challenge of inclusion: a full continuum model of educational provision for children with EBD in Germany Marc Willmann SECTION II THEORIES EXPLAINING CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND MODES OF INTERVENTION Introduction to Section II Ted Cole, Harry Daniels and John Visser 10. The Importance of a biopsychosocial approach to Interventions for students with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties Paul Cooper, Katherine Bilton and Michalis Kakos 11. How affection shapes a young child's brain; neurotransmitters, attachment and resilience Sue Gerhardt 12. Psychodynamic perspectives on children’s emotional growth and learning Paul Greenhalgh 13. Applied behaviour analysis: its applications and limitations Louise Porter 14. Cognitive behavioural approaches to mental health difficulties in children Paul Stallard SECTION III ASSESSMENT AND INTERVENTION IN EDUCATIONAL SETTINGS Introduction to Section III Ted Cole, Harry Daniels and John Visser 15. Assessing and supporting children and young people with EBD: the role of educational psychologists Jane Leadbetter 16. Identifying and addresssing EBD in the early years Janet Kay 17. Links between Social, Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties and Speech and Language Difficulties: What every teacher should know Jodi Tommerdahl 18. The challenge of assessing and monitoring the progress of children with SEBD - a British perspective Jane McSherry 19. Impact of Functional Behavioral Assessment on Services for Children and Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties Robert A. Gable, Lyndal M. Bullock and Mickie Wong-Lo 20. Developing Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tiered Models to Prevent and Manage Learning and Behavior Problems Kathleen Lynne Lane, Wendy Peia Oakes, Holly Mariah Menzies and Pamela Harris 21. Resilience-enhancing classrooms for children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties Carmel Cefai 22. Reducing emotional and behavioural difficulties in students by improving school ethos Marilyn Tew and James Park 23. Violence in schools: its nature and effective responses to it Eric Debarbieux and Catherine Blaya 24. Addressing children's learning problems through helping them control their attention difficulties Tatiana Akhutina and Gary Shereshevsky 25. Beyond classroom 'management' - understanding students with SEBD and building their executive skills Rob Long 26. Communicating with children in the classroom when addressing disruptive behaviours Bill Rogers 27. Pupil voice and participation: empowering children with emotional and behavioural difficulties Paula Flynn, Michael Shevlin and Ann Lodge 28. Understanding and responding to angry emotions in children with emotional and behavioural difficulties Adrian Faupel SECTION IV SPECIFIC APPROACHES AND ISSUES Introduction to Section IV Ted Cole, Harry Daniels and John Visser 29. The value of nurture groups in addressing emotional and behavioural difficulties and promoting school inclusion Caroline Couture 30. Promoting social, emotional and behavioural skills through Circle Time and Circles of Support Jenny Mosley & Zara Niwano 31. Culturally responsive approaches to the challenging behaviour of minority ethnic students Janice Wearmouth Mere Berryman and Ted Glynn 32. Volunteer engagement with young people at risk of exclusion: developing new perceptions of pupil and adult relationships Richard Rose 33. The pastoral pedagogy of teaching assistantsRoger Hancock SECTION V SUPPORTING SCHOOL- BASED PROFESSIONALS Introduction to Section V Ted Cole, Harry Daniels and John Visser 34. Working with parents and families to lessen the EBD of children and young people Terje Ogden 35. Multi-agency working with children with EBD and their families Barrie O’Connor 36. Training and professional development for educators working with children and young people with EBD: a personal checklistEgide Royer 37. Teacher education: dilemmas and tensions for school staff working with pupils with EBD Philip Garner