INTRODUCTION SECTION 1. CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION Chapter 1. Strategic communication: Theoretical foundations and progress of the research area. Derina Holtzhausen, Oklahoma State University, USA Kirk Hallahan, Colorado State University, USA Ansgar Zerfass, University of Leipzig, Germany. Chapter 2. (Re-)reading Clausewitz: The strategy discourse and its implications for strategic communication. Howard Nothhaft, University of Lund, Sweden Hagen Schölzel, University of Leipzig, Germany Chapter 3. The strategic turn in communication science. Simon Torp, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark. Chapter 4. Strategic communication and the public sphere. Günter Bentele and Howard Nothhaft, University of Leipzig, Germany. Chapter 5. Dewey, the public sphere and strategic communication.* Charles Self, University of Oklahoma, USA. Chapter 6. Communication in a Networked World. Lindsey Young and Willem Pieterson, Northwestern University, USA Chapter 7. Contextual Distortion and strategic communication. Priscilla Murphy, Temple University, USA Chapter 8. Social Theories for Strategic Communication Oyvind Ihlen, University of Oslo, Sweden Piet Verhoeven, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands SECTION 2. INSTITUTIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL DIMENSIONS Chapter 9. Strategic communication as institutional work Magnus Fredriksson and Josef Pallas, Uppsala University, Sweden Chapter 10. Cultural influences on strategic communication. Kim A. Johnston, Queensland University of Technology, Australia James L. Everett, Coastal Carolina University, USA Chapter 11. Strategic Communication: The Role of Polyphony in Management Team Meetings Helle Kryger Aggerholm and Christa Thomsen, Aarhus University, Denmark Chapter 12. Strategy as communicative practice in organizations. Marlene Marchiori, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brazil Sergio Bulgacov, Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo, Brazil. Chapter 13. Good Governance and Strategic Communication: A Communication Capital Approach Patricia Riley, Rebecca Weintraub, Allison Noyes and Stephanie Dixon, University of Southern California, USA Gail Thomas, Naval Postgraduate School, USA. Chapter 14. Adopting an Entrepreneurial Perspective to the Study of Strategic Communication Emanuele Invernizzi and Stefania Romenti, IULM University of Milano, Italy. Chapter 15. The role of communication executives in strategy and strategizing. Finn Frandsen and Winni Johansen, Aarhus University, Denmark. Chapter 16. Organizational Goals and Behavioral Objectives in Strategic Communication Kirk Hallahan, Colorado State University, USA SECTION 3. IMPLEMENTING STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION Chapter 17. A Theoretical Framework for Strategic Communication Messaging Kelly Page Werder, University of South Florida, USA Chapter 18. Framing as a Strategic Persuasive Message Tactic Kenneth E. Kim, Oklahoma State University, USA Chapter 19. Image repair theory in the context of strategic communication William L. Benoit, Ohio University, USA Chapter 20. Images with messages: A semiotic approach to identifying and decoding strategic visual communication Janis Teruggi Page, Florida Institute of Technology, USA Chapter 21. Relationship Cultivation Strategies in Strategic Communication Eyun-Jung Ki, The University of Alabama, USA Chapter 22. Strategic communication in participatory culture: From one- and two-way communication to participatory communication through social media Jesper Falkheimer and Mats Heide, Lund University, Sweden SECTION 4. DOMAINS OF PRACTICE Chapter 23. Institutionalization in public relations: another step in examining its place in strategic communication Robert I. Wakefield, Kenneth D. Plowman, and Alex Curry, Brigham Young University, USA Chapter 24. Strategy in advertising. Guido Zurstiege and Tino Meitz, University of Tuebingen, Germany. Chapter 25. The strategic context of political communication. Spiro Kiousis, University of Florida, USA Jesper Strömbäck, Mid Sweden University, Sweden Chapter 26. Communicating Strategically in Government.Kirsten Kozolanka, Carleton University, Canada Chapter 27. Strategic Health Communication: Theory- and Evidence-Based Campaign Development Constanze Rossmann, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany Chapter 28. Strategic Activism for democratization and Social Change. Cheryl R. Soriano, De La Salle University, Philippines Chapter 29. Strategic dimensions of public diplomacy. Martin Löffelholz, Swiss German University, Indonesia Claudia Auer, and Alice Srugies, Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany Chapter 30. Strategic communication practice of international non-governmental organizationsAndreas Schwarz, Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany Alexander Fritsch, Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany Chapter 31. Terrorism as strategic communication Liane Rothenberger, Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany Chapter 32. Strategic Intent and Crisis Communication: The Emergence of a Field W. Timothy Coombs and Sherry J. Holladay, University of Central Florida, USA Chapter 33. Crisis communication and improvisation in a digital age. Mats Eriksson, Örebro University, Sweden. Chapter 34. Strategizing risk communication. Juliana Raupp, Free University of Berlin, Germany Chapter 35. Strategic communication during change. Rita Järventie-Thesleff, Johanna Moisander and Mikko Villi, Aalto University School of Economics, Finland. Chapter 36. Social media and strategic communication: an examination of theory and practice in communication research Bobbi Kay Lewis and Cynthia Nichols, Oklahoma State University, USA Chapter 37. Global strategic communication: from the lens of coordination, control, standardization, and localization Juan-Carlos Molleda & Sarabdeep Kochhar, University of Florida, USA