1. The state of the art of workplace wellbeing Michael P. Leiterand Cary L. Cooper PartI Models of wellbeing 2. The resilient person and organization Jill Flint-Taylor and Alex Davda 3. Differentiating challenge, hindrance, and threat in the stress process Ben J. Searleand Michelle R. Tuckey 4. Psychological connections with work Christina Maslachand Cristina G. Banks 5. Determinants of mental health in the workplace Peter Hosie, Russel PJ Kingshott, andPiyush Sharma 6. Toward evidence-based practice in organizational wellbeing: methods and measures E. Kevin Kelloway PartII Personal qualities contributing to wellbeing 7. Character, personality, and psychological wellbeing Thomas A. Wrightand Dorothy Klotz 8. Work characteristics, work-specific wellbeing, and employee sleep Christopher Budnickand Larissa Barber PartIII Job insecurity and organizational wellbeing 9. Economic stressors and wellbeing at work: multilevel considerations Tahira M. Probst, Robert R. Sinclairand Janelle H. Cheung 10. Long working hours and presenteeism in Asia:a cultural psychological analysis Luo Luand Chun-Yi Chou 11. Workplace incivility:a critical review and agenda for research and practice Ashlyn M. Patterson, Alexandra C. Chris, andM. Gloria Gonzales-Morales PartIV Workplace supports for wellbeing 12. Wellbeing and design at the office Chris Boykoand Rachel Cooper 13. Workplace empowerment and employee health and wellbeing Heather Spence Laschingerand Emily Read 14. Coworking communities as enablers of thriving at work Gretchen Spreitzer, Peter Bacevice,and Lyndon Garrett 15. Thelong-hours culture: implications for health and wellbeing Marian N. Ruderman, Cathleen Clerkinand Jennifer J. Deal 16. Rethinking work-life balance and wellbeing: the perspectives of fathers Clare Stovell, David Collinson, Caroline Gatrell, andLaura Radcliffe PartV Initiatives to enhance wellbeing 17. Wellbeing coaching Tim Anstissand Jonathan Passmore 18. Work and wellbeing: creating a psychologically healthy workplace Matthew J. Grawitch, David W. Ballard, andKaitlyn R. Erb 19. Job resources as contributors to wellbeing Evangelia Demerouti, Despoina Xanthopoulou, Machteld Van den Heuvel, Lonneke Dubbelt, andHeather J. Gordon 20. Stress management techniques in the workplace Oi Ling Su 21. Physical activity and workplace wellbeing Gemma Ryde and Helen Brown 22. Essential elements of programs to improve workplace wellbeing Arla Dayand Samantha A. Penney 23. Improving employee wellbeing through leadership development Maria Karanika-Murray, Henna Hasson, Ulrika Von Thiele Schwarz, andAnne Richter 24. Participatory approach towards a healthy workplace in Japan Akihito Shimazuand Daniel Goering 25. Workplace conflict resolution interventions Debra Gilin Oore and Norman Dolan