About the Authors, List of Tables, List of Figures, Foreword: John Van Maanen, Preface, 1. Career studies: A continuing journey, Hugh Gunz, Mila Lazarova, and Wolfgang Mayrhofer, Part I: Studying Careers, 2. The concept of career and the field(s) of career studies, Hugh Gunz, Wolfgang Mayrhofer, and Mila Lazarova, 3. Bridging Micro and Macro: An Interdisciplinary Review of Theories Used in Career Studies, Gina Dokko, Jennifer Tosti-Kharas, and Roxana Barbulescu, 4. New horizons: What we can learn from career’s travels in different disciplinary lands, Laurie Cohen and Joanne Duberley, 5. On the agency/structure debate in careers research: a bridge over troubled water, Thomas M. Schneidhofer, Johanna Hofbauer, and Ahu Tatli, 6. Diversity as a perspective on career , Judith K. Pringle, Barbara Myers, Margie Elley-Brown, and Lynette Reid, 7. Methodologies in organizational career research: Past, present and future, Robert Kaše, Ivan Župic, Eva Repovš, and Anders Dysvik , Part II: Developing Careers, 8. Time is of the essence: The temporal dimension of careers , Wolfgang Mayrhofer and Hugh Gunz, 9. From occupational choice to career crafting, Ans De Vos, Jos Akkermans, and Beatrice Van der Heijden, 10. Individual career outcomes: Conceptual and methodological concerns in the study of career success, Nicky Dries, 11. Individual difference antecedents of career outcomes, Peter A. Heslin and Markus Latzke, 12. External factors shaping careers, Tracy Anderson, Matthew Bidwell, and Forrest Briscoe, 13. Mentorship and developmental networks, Nikos Bozionelos, 14. Organizational career management outcomes, Maike Andresen, 15. Career patterns, Katja Dlouhy, Claartje J. Vinkenburg, and Torsten Biemann, 16. The dark sides of organizational careers, Yoav Vardi and Itai Vardi, Part III: Contextualizing Careers, 17. Exploring the roles of relations and institutions in bounding careers: multilevel career analysis in the film industry and professional service firms, Frans Bévort and Iben Sandal Stjerne, 18. Careers across countries, Jon P. Briscoe, Michael Dickmann and Emma Parry, 19. From Global Work Experiences to Global Careers: A Review and Future Research Agenda, Kevin McKouen, Margaret Shaffer, and B. Sebastian Reiche, Part IV: Implementing Career Research; Interventions, 20. Career counseling, Andreas Hirschi, Ariane Froidevaux, 21. Teaching and learning about careers, Monica Higgins and Priscilla Claman, 22. HRM/organizational career management systems and practices, Silvia Bagdadli and Martina Gianecchini , 23. Policy issues in careers: the case of internal migration in China, Marina A. Schmitz and Soo Min Toh, Part V: Commentary, 24. Two modest ideas for future research on careers , Douglas T. (Tim) Hall, 25. Toward a work-home perspective on career studies , Jeffrey H. Greenhaus, 26. The Past, present and future of 21st Century careers, Gerard A. Callanan, Maury A. Peiperl, and Michael B. Arthur, Index