Contents: Introduction; Section 1 Themes: Project finance - a banker's reflections, Stephen Crane; Dos and don'ts for successful projects, Anne Baldock; The role of financial advisors in project finance, David Edwards, Peter Brown and Catriona Coulthurst; Multisource project financing, Dennis Nordstrom, Simon Dickens, Matthew Brown and Kelann Stirling; The role and impact of export credit agencies in project finance, Terry Newendorp, John Sachs and Jennifer Hara; The role of multilateral banks and ECAs, Bob Sheppard; Basel III and its implications for project finance, Edward Chan and Matthew Worth; Déjà vu or a new paradigm?, Liam O'Keeffe; Project bonds in project finance, Jean-Pierre Boudrias and Rebecca Kotkin; Insurance principles in project finance, David Borthwick; The equator principles - the global standard, Suellen Lazarus; Chinese and Korean contractors in large project finance transactions, Clare Rhodes James. Section 2 Sectors: Financing renewable energy, Mark Henderson; Financing offshore wind, Jérôme Guillet; International renewable incentives, Simon Currie; Project financing LNG projects, David Ledesma; RBL in the oil and gas sector, Keith O'Donnell; Non-recourse financing for mines, Eero Rautalahti; The evolving market and models for PPPs in Europe, James Neal; Emerging markets project finance, Kate Baragona; Forecasting traffic on infrastructure schemes, Charles Russell; Light rail - the issues, Robert Lewin; UK waste projects - an assessment, Melville Haggard. Section 3 Countries: Project finance in emerging markets, Atif Ansar; Project finance in Australia, Phillip Cornwell, Rob Watt, Ben Farnsworth and Hugh Boylan; Vietnam infrastructure: needs and challenges, James Harris and Stanley Boots; Indonesia, The future, Andrew Kinloch; Key challenges in India, L. Viswanathan; Project finance in Turkey, Yesim Bezen and Banu Aslan; Project finance in Russia, Marc Partridge; Unleashing Africa’s infrastructure potential, Ravi Suri and Simon Lassman;