Notes on Contributors Introduction, Ann Oakley 1. Interpretations of Welfare and Approaches to the State 1870-1920, Shelia Rowbotham 2. Lessons from the Past: The Rise and Fall of the Classic Welfare State in Britain, 1945-76, Rodney Lowe 3. Conservatives and Consensus: The Politics of the National Health Service, 1951-64, Charles Webster 4. Local Voices in the National Health Service: Needs Effectiveness and Sufficiency, Jennie Popay and Gareth Williams 5. Priority Setting for Health Gain, Chris Ham, Frank Honigsbaum and David Thompson 6. Obstacles to Medical Audit: British Doctors Speak, Nick Black and Elizabeth Thompson 7. Choice, Needs and Enabling: The New Community Care, Jane Lewis 8. Making Sense of the New Politics of Education, Geoff Whitty, Sharon Gewirtz and Tony Edwards 9. The Relationship Between Research and Policy: The Case of Unemployment and Health, Mel Bartley Index