Upon the death of the Lord Hastings; to John Hoddesdon; to honour Dryden; heroic stanzas; to Sir Robert Howard; Astraea Redux; to his sacred majesty; to my Lord Chancellor; to Dr Charleton; prologue and epilogue to "The Wild Gallant"; to the Lady Castlemaine; prologue to "The Rival Ladies"; prologue, epilogue and songs from "The Indian Queen"; prologue, epilogue and songs from "The Indian Emperor"; prologue and epilogue to "The Wild Gallant" revived; prologue and song from "Secret Love"; annus mirabilis; prologue, epilogue and songs from "Sir Martin Mar-all"; prologue, epilogue and song from "The Tempest"; prologue to "Albumazar"; prologue, epilogue and songs from "An Evening's Love"; prologue, epilogue and songs from "Tyrannic Love"; prologues, epilogues and songs from "The Conquest of Granada"; prologue, epilogue and songs from "Marriage A-la-Mode"; song - "Farewell, fair Armida"; prologue to "Wit without Money"; prologue and epilogue to "Secret Love", spoken by the women; prologue, epilogue and song from "The Assignation"; prologue for the women; prologue to "Arviragus revived; prologue, epilogue and songs from "Amboyna"; prologue and epilogue at Oxford, 1673 ("What Greece..."); prologue and epilogue at the opening of the New House; song from "The State of Innocence"; prologue and epilogue at Oxford, 1674 ("Poets, your subjects..."); epilogue to "Calisto"; epitaph on the Marquis of Winchester; prologue and epilogue to "Aureng-Zebe"; epilogue to "The Man of Mode"; prologue at Oxford, 1676 ("Though actors cannot..."); Mac Flecknoe; prologue to "Circe"; epilogue ("Were you but half so wise as you're severe"); to Mr Lee, on his "Alexander"; prologue and epilogue to "All for Love"; epilogue to "Mithridates"; prologue, epilogue and songs from "The Kind Keeper"; prologue to "A True Widow"; prologue, epilogue and songs from "Oedipus"; prologue, epilogue and song from "Troilus and Cressida"; prologue to "Caesar Borgia"; prologue at Oxford, 1679 ("Discord and plots..."); prologue to "The Loyal General"; preface to "Ovid's Epistles"; Canace to Macareus; Helen to Paris; Dido to Aeneas; prologue At Oxford, 1680 ("Thespis, the first professor..."); prologue and songs from "The Spanish Friar"; epitaph on Sir Palmes Fairborne (part contents).