Introduction: What Is Critical Theory? .- Critical Foundations: History, Reflection, Praxis .- Marx’s Influence on the Early Frankfurt School .- Lukács’s Theory of Reification and the Tradition of Critical Theory .- Totality, Reason, Dialectics: The Importance of Hegel for Critical Theory .- Why Students of the Frankfurt School Need to Read Lukacs .- Critical Theory and the Historical Transformations of Capitalist Modernity .- Critical Theory as Radical Comparative-Historical Research .- The Frankfurt School and the Critique of Instrumental Reason .- Materialism in Critical Theory: Marx and the Early Horkheimer .- Critique As the Epistemic Framework of the Critical Social Sciences .- Christoph Henning: Theories of Culture in the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory .- On Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory .- Art and the Concept of Autonomy in Adorno’s Critique of Kant .- Judging by Refraining from Judgment: The Artwork and Its Einordnung .- Dirk Michel-Schertges: Critical Theory and the Aesthetic Conditions for Revolution .- What Does It Mean to be Critical? On Literary and Social Critique in Walter Benjamin .- Theory and Class Consciousness .- The Frankfurt School, Authority, and the Psychoanalysis of Utopia .- Culture, Character and Critique: The Social Psychology of the Frankfurt School .- The Critical Theory of Sadomasochism and Authoritarianism .- The Fromm-Marcuse Debate Revisited: Reformulating the Critical Theory of the Authoritarian Character .- The Metaethics of Critical Theories .- Collective Agency and Intentionality: A Critical Theory Perspective .- Recognition, Identity and Subjectivity .- Recognition, Social Systems and Critical Theory .- The Sociological Roots and Deficits of Axel Honneth’s Theory of Recognition .- Experience and Temporality: Toward a New Paradigm of Critical Theory .- Critical Theory of Human Rights .- Immanent Critique and the Exhaustion Thesis: Neoliberalism and History’s Vicissitudes .- Critical Theory and Global Development .- The New Sensibility, Intersectionality, and Democratic Attunement: the Future of Critical Theory.