1. Introduction: Contextualizing the Debates on Politics, Governance, and Development .- 2. Competing Theories and Concepts on Politics, Governance, and Development .- 3. Theory of the Crises of the State .- 4. Post-colonialism: Theoretical Foundations and Relevance to African Politics .- 5. Decoloniality as a Combative Ontology in African Development .- 6. Theories of Social change and Development in Africa .- 7. Theoretical Foundations of Nation-building .- 8. Pre-colonial political institutions: Relevance for Contemporary Africa .- 9. Politics and Society in Pre-Colonial Africa: Implications for Governance in Contemporary Times .- 10. Settler and Non-settler Colonialism in Africa .- 11. Nationalism in Africa: concepts, types and phases .- 12. Nationalism and Political Independence in Africa .- 13. Theories of Military in African Politics .- 14. Coups and counter-coups in Africa .- 15. Military and Transition Politics .- 16. Civil Military Relations in Africa .- 17. Politics of identity and the crisis of nation-building in Africa.- 18. Migration and Xenophobia in Africa .- 19. Identity politics and wars of secession in Africa .- 20. Ethnic Identity and Conflicts in Africa .- 21. Identities, Conflicts, and Africa Refugee Crises .- 22. Resource Control and Conflict in Africa .- 23. Trade Unions and the struggle for democracy in Africa .- 24. The Peasantry and politics in Africa .- 25. Civil Society Organizations and Democratic Governance in Africa .- 26.Uncivil society and ethnic militia in African politics .- 27. Migration and Urbanization in Africa .- 28. Democracy and Political Development in Africa .- 29. Political Parties and Democracy in Africa .- 30. Institutions, Neopatriomonial Politics, and Democratic Development .- 31. Gender and Governance .- 32. Political Participation and Political Citizenship .- 33. Media and Politics in Africa .- 34. Public Procurement and Development in Africa .- 35. Challenges of Economic Development .- 36. Resource Governance andthe Crisis of Development .- 37. Illicit Financial Flows and African Development Conundrum .- 38. Public Good and the Crises of Service Delivery in Africa .- 39. Regional Integration and Development .- 40. Resilient/Informal Economy and African Development .- 41. The Role of International Financial Institutions .- 42. Africa in the global trading system .- 43. Africa and foreign direct investment .- 44. Africa in the BRICS: In whose interest? .- 45. Africa's Development Narratives: From Growth to Wellbeing .- 46. The politics of foreign aid .- 47. From OAU to AU: Rethinking supranational governance in Africa .- 48. Pan Africanism is Africa’s Third Way: The Cultural Relevance of African Political Economy .- 49. Demography and the Future of Africa .- 50. From Hard to Human Security: Rethinking Security Architecture in Africa .- 51. Research, Innovation and Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa .- 52. Energy Security and the future of development in Africa .- 53. Climate Change, Food Security and Sustainable Development in Africa .- 54. The Political Economy of Corruption .- 55. Rethinking Governance and Development.