1. Introduction: Theoretical Foundations of Political Psychology; Leonie Huddy, David O. Sears, and Jack S. Levy; Theoretical Approaches; 2. Personality Approaches to Political Behavior; Gian Vittorio Caprara and Michele Vecchione; 3. Childhood and Adult Political Development; David O. Sears and Christia Brown; 4. Rational Choice Theory and Political Psychology; Dennis Chong; 5. Behavioral Decision Making; David P. Redlawsk and Richard R. Lau; 6. Emotion and Political Psychology; Ted Brader and George E. Marcus; 7. Towards an Evolutionarily Informed Political Psychology; Jim Sidanius and Robert Kurzban; 8. Genetic Foundations of Political Behavior; Carolyn L. Funk; 9. Political Rhetoric; Susan Condor, Cristian Tileag?, and Michael Billig; International Relations; 10. Psychology and Foreign Policy Decision-Making; Jack S. Levy; 11. Perceptions and Image Theory in International Relations; Richard K. Herrmann; 12. Threat Perception in International Relations; Janice Gross Stein; 13. Crisis Management; Stephen Benedict Dyson and Paul 'T Hart; 14. Personality Profiles of Political Elites; David G. Winter; 15. Psychobiography: <"The Child is Father of the Man>"; Jerrold M. Post; 16. Conflict Analysis and Resolution; Ronald J. Fisher, Herbert C. Kelman, and Susan Allen Nan; Mass Political Behavior; 17. Political Information Processing; Charles S. Taber and Everett Young; 18. Political Communication: Form and Consequence of the; Information Environment; Nicholas A. Valentino and Yioryos Nardis; 19. Political Ideology; Stanley Feldman; 20. Social Justice; Tom R. Tyler and Jojanneke van der Toorn; 21. Networks, Interdependence, and Social Influence in Politics; Robert Huckfeldt, Jeffery J. Mondak, Matthew Hayes,; Matthew T. Pietryka, and Jack Reilly; 22. Political Deliberation; C. Daniel Myers and Tali Mendelberg; Intergroup Relations; 23. From Group Identity to Political Cohesion and Commitment; Leonie Huddy; 24. Social Movements and the Dynamics of Collective Action; Bert Klandermans and Jacquelien van Stekelenburg; 25. Prejudice and Politics; Donald R. Kinder; 26. Migration and Multiculturalism; Eva G.T. Green and Christian Staerkl?; 27. Discrimination: Conditions, Consequences and 'Cures'; Ananthi Al Ramiah and Miles Hewstone; 28. The Psychology of Intractable Conflicts: Eruption,; Escalation and Peacemaking; Daniel Bar-Tal and Eran Halperin