1 - The Next Hundred Years: Watching our Ps and Q
2 - Introduction
3 - The insanity defense as a history of mental disorder
4 - Mental health as moral virtue: some ancient arguments
5 - Aristotle, Plato and the Anti-Psychiatrists: Comment on Irwin
6 - Wilhelm Griesinger: Philosophy as origin of a new psychiatry
7 - The Philosophical Roots of Karl Jaspers' General Psychopathology
8 - From Madness to Mental Illness: Psychiatry and Biopolitics in Michel Foucault
9 - The epistemological value of depression memoirs: a meta-analysis
10 - Introduction
11 - Challenges to the Modernist Identity of Psychiatry: User Empowerment and Recovery
12 - Race and gender in philosophy of psychiatry: science, relativism and phenomenology
13 - Why Psychiatry Should Fear Medicalization
14 - Technology And Psychiatry
15 - Cure and Recovery
16 - Introduction
17 - Varieties of Self-Awareness
18 - Interpersonal Relating
19 - Intersubjectivity and psychopathology
20 - Other Minds, Autism, and Depth in Human Interaction
21 - Empathic foundations of clinical knowledge
22 - Discourse and diseases of the psyche
23 - Philosophical Resources for the Psychiatric Interview
24 - Introduction
25 - Naturalistic Accounts of Mental Disorder
26 - Values-based practice: topsy-turvy take home messages from ordinary language philosophy (and a few next steps)
27 - Cognitive Science and Explanations of Psychopathology
28 - What is Mental Illness?
29 - Vice and Mental Disorders
30 - Rationality and Sanity: The role of rationality judgements in understanding psychiatric disorders
31 - Boundary Problems: Negotiating the Challenges of Responsibility and Loss
32 - Ordering Disorder: Mental disorder, brain disorder, and therapeutic Intervention
33 - Mental Disorder: Can Merleau-Ponty take us beyond the "Mind-Brain" problem?
34 - Introduction
35 - Anxiety and phobias: Phenomenologies, concepts, explanations
36 - Depression and the phenomenology of free will
37 - Body image disorders
38 - The phenomenology of affectivity
39 - Delusion: The phenomenological approach
40 - Thought insertion, self-awareness, and rationality
41 - The disunity of consciousness in psychiatric disorders
42 - Delusion: Cognitive approaches - Bayesian inference and compartmentalization
43 - Introduction
44 - Mapping the Domain of Mental Illness
45 - Values in psychiatric diagnosis and classification
46 - Conceptual and ethical issues in the Prodromal Phase of Psychosis
47 - Understanding Mania and Depression
48 - Autism and the Philosophy of Mind
49 - Dementia is dead, long live ageing: Philosophy and practice in connection with "dementia"
50 - What is Addiction?
51 - Identity and Addiction: What alcoholic memoirs teach
52 - Personality Disorder and Validity: A History of Controversy
53 - Personal Identity and Identity Disorders
54 - Introduction
55 - Causation and Mechanisms in Psychiatry
56 - Natural Kinds
57 - The Medical Model and the Philosophy of Science
58 - Reliability, Validity, and the Mixed Blessings of Operationalism
59 - Reduction and Reductionism in Psychiatry
60 - Diagnostic Prediction and Prognosis: Getting from Symptom to Treatment
61 - Clinical judgment, tacit knowledge and recognition in psychiatric diagnosis
62 - Neural Mechanisms of Decision Making and the Personal Level
63 - Psychopathology and the Enactive Mind
64 - Could psychoanalysis be a science?
65 - Introduction
66 - Responsibility without Blame: Philosophical Reflections on Clinical Practice
67 - Depression, Decisional Capacity, and Personal Autonomy
68 - Psychopharmacology and the Self
69 - Practical neuropsychiatric Ethics
70 - Placebo Effects in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
71 - Being Unconscious: Heidegger and Freud
72 - Assumptions behind CBT: a philosophical appraisal
73 - Understanding and Healing: Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis in the Era of Neuroscience