INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW: By Modechai E. Kreinin, Michigan State University and Michael G.; Plummer, the Johns Hopkins University and OECD; PART I: General Approaches to Commercial Policy; Chapter 1: Free Trade and Its Alternatives; By Sven W. Arndt, Claremont McKenna College; Chapter 2: The International Trading System and Its Future; By Rachel McCulloch, Brandeis University; Chapter 3: Administration of Commercial Policy; By Alfred E. Eckes Jr., Ohio University; Chapter 4: Trade and the Labor Market: Recent Development and New Frontiers; By Carl Davidson, Michigan State University and Nicholas Sly, University of Oregon; Chapter 5: Protection of Agriculture; By Tim Josling, Stanford University; Chapter 6: Theory and Economic Modeling of Regional Trading Agreements; By Modechai Kreinin, Michigan State University and Michael Plummer, the Johns Hopkins University and OECD; Chapter 7: The Ruled-Based Trading System; By Cristiane Carneiro, University of Sao Paulo and Gary Hufbauer, Institute for International Economics; PART II: Country (Regional) Studies; Chapter 8: U.S. Trade Policy Since 1934: An Uneven Path Toward Greater Trade Liberalization; By Robert E. Baldwin, University of Wisconsin; Chapter 9: The European Community Commercial Policy; By Patrick A. Messerlin, University of Paris; Chapter 10: Japan's Commercial Policy; By Masahiro Kawai, ADB Institute, and Shujiro Urata, Waseda University,; Chapter 11: Commercial Policy and Experience in the Giants: China and India; By Ganeshan Wignaraja, Asian Development Bank; Chapter 12: Australian Commercial Policies; By Peter Lloyd, University of Melbourne; Chapter 13: The European Transition Economics; By Torbj?rn Becker and Anders Fredriksson, Stockholm School of Economics; Chapter 14: Trade Liberalization in a Small Open Economy: The Case of Israel; By Michael Michaeli, The Hebrew University; Chapter 15: ASEAN Commercial Policy; By Hal Hill and Jay Menon