Preface; Abbreviations; Introduction, William E. Metcalf; 1. The Substance of Coinage: The Role of Scientific Analysis in Ancient Numismatics, Matthew Ponting; Archaic and Classical Greek Coinage; 2. The Monetary Background of Early Coinage, John H. Kroll ; 3. Asia Minor to the Ionian Revolt, Koray Konuk ; 4. The Coinage of the Persian Empire, Michael Alram ; 5. The Coinage of Athens, 6th - 1st century B.C., Peter van Alfen ; 6. Aegina, the Cyclades and Crete, Kenneth Sheedy ; 7. The Coinage of Italy, N. K. Rutter ; 8. The Coinage of Sicily, Wolfgang Fischer-Bossert ; 9. Greece and the Balkans to 360 B.C., Selene Psoma; The Hellenistic World; 10. Royal Hellenistic Coinages from Alexander to Mithridates, Fran?ois de Callatay ; 11. The Hellenistic World: The Cities of Mainland Greece and Asia Minor, Richard Ashton ; 12. The Coinage of the Ptolemies, Catharine C. Lorber ; 13. The Seleucids, Arthur Houghton ; 14. Greek Coinages of Palestine, Oren Tal ; 15. The Coinage of the Parthians, Fabrizio Sinisi ; The Roman World; 16. Early Roman Coinage and its Italian Context, Andrew Burnett ; 17. The Denarius Coinage of the Roman Republic, Bernhard E. Woytek; 18. The Julio-Claudians, Rienhold Wolters ; 19. Ancient Spain, Pere P. Ripoll?s ; 20. Flavian Coinage, Ian Carradice ; 21. The Coinage of the Provinces through Hadrian, Michel Amandry ; 22. Trajan and Hadrian, Martin Beckmann ; 23. Antonine Coinage, Liv Mariah Yarrow ; 24. The Provinces after Commodus, RAnn Johnston ; 25. Syria in the Roman Period, 64 B.C. - A.D. 260, Kevin Butcher ; 26. Roman Coinages of Palestine, Haim Gitler ; 27. The Severans, Richard Abdy; 28. From Gordian III to the Gallic Empire (A.D. 238-74), Roger Bland ; 29. The Later Third Century, Sylviane Estiot ; 30. The Coinage of Roman Egypt, Angelo Geissen ; 31. Tetrarchy and the House of Constantine, Richard Abdy; 32. The Coinage of the Later Roman Empire, A.D. 364-498, Sam Moorhead ; 33. The Transformation of the West, Alan M. Stahl ; Appendix 1: Marks of value on later Roman coins, Roger Bland ; Appendix 2: The earliest Christian symbols on Roman coins, Richard Abdy ; Indices; a. Mints; b. Persons; c. General