Part One: Foundations of Feminist Multicultural Counseling Psychology; 1. Feminist Multicultural Psychology: Evolution, Change, and Challenge; Carolyn Zerbe Enns, Elizabeth Nutt Williams, and Ruth E. Fassinger; 2. Feminist and Multicultural Ethics in Counseling Psychology; Mary M. Brabeck and Kalina M. Brabeck; 3. Lifespan Development: Childhood, Adolescence, and Adulthood; Cindy L. Juntunen and Stephanie San Miguel Bauman; 4. Gender and Mental Health in Ecological/Sociocultural Context; Julie R. Ancis and M. Meghan Davidson; 5. Critical Questioning of Social and Feminist Identity Development Literature: Themes, Principles, and Tools; Ann R. Fischer and Kurt A. DeBord; Part Two: Feminist Multicultural Counseling Psychology and Specific Social Identities; 6. From Hottentot to Superwoman: Issues of Identity and Mental Health for African American Women; Suzette L. Speight, Denise A. Isom, and Anita J. Thomas; 7. Feminist Counseling Psychology and Lesbians, Bisexual Women, and Transgender Persons; Dawn M. Szymanski and Angela N. Hilton; 8. Feminist Multicultural Counseling Psychology and Poverty; Laura Smith, Lauren Appio, and Jennifer Chang; 9. Realidades Culturales y Identidades Dimensionadas: The Complexities of Latina Diversities; Alberta M. Gloria and Jeanett Castellanos; 10. Asian American Women's Feminism: Sociopolitical History and Clinical Considerations; Lisa A. Suzuki, Muninder K. Ahluwalia, and Anjali Alimchandani; 11. Women With Disabilities: The Cultural Context of Disability, Feminism, Able-Bodied Privilege, and Microaggressions; Barbara J. Palombi; 12. Feminist Multicultural Counseling Psychology with American Muslim Women; Amina Mahmood; 13. Feminist Multicultural Counseling Psychology in Transnational Contexts; Sharon G. Horne and Kiran S.K. Arora; Part Three: Feminist Multicultural Counseling Psychology Applications: Theory, Research, and Practice; 14. Feminist Vocational/Career Theory and Practice; Gail Hackett and Julie D. Kohlhart; 15. Career Issues and Challenges Viewed Through a Feminist Multicultural Lens: Work-Life Interface and Sexual Harassment; Alayne J. Ormerod, Dana L. Joseph, Lauren M. Weitzman, and Erin Winterrowd; 16. Feminist Therapy in Counseling Psychology; Pam A. Remer and Katharine Hahn; 17. Feminist Therapy with Male Clients: Empowering Men to Be Their Whole Selves; Laurie B. Mintz and David Tager; 18. Political Analysis: Cornerstone of Feminist Multicultural Counseling and Psychotherapy; Susan L. Morrow and Donna Hawxhurst; 19. Feminist Couples and Family Counseling In Multiple Contexts; Roberta L. Nutt; 20. Feminist Counseling with Traumatized Individuals; Christine A. Courtois; 21. Feminist Multicultural Perspectives on Body Image and Eating Disorders in Women; Susan Kashubeck-West and Lori Tagger; Part Four: Education, Advocacy, and Social Justice; 22. Feminist, Multicultural, and Social Justice Pedagogies in Counseling Psychology; Ada L. Sinacore, Freda Ginsberg, and Anusha Kassan; 23. Multicultural Feminist Training, Supervision, and Continuing Education: Concepts, Competencies, and Challenges; Marie L. Miville; 24. Feminist Multicultural Mentoring in Counseling Psychology; Barbara Gormley; 25. Activism, Advocacy, and Social Justice in Feminist Multicultural Counseling Psychology; Kathryn L. Norsworthy, Elizabeth M. Abrams, and Stefanie Lindlau; Part Five: Afterword; 26. Making the Political Personal; Elizabeth Nutt Williams and Carolyn Zerbe Enns