Catherine Haslam (PhD, Australian National University) is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Queensland. Her research focuses on the social and cognitive consequences of identity-changing life transitions (e.g., trauma, disease, ageing). She was an Associate Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (as part of its Social Interactions, Identity and Well-being Program), is anAssociate Editor of the British Journal of Psychology and on the Editorial Board of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Jolanda Jetten (PhD, University of Amsterdam) is a Professor of Social Psychology and former Australian Research Council Future Fellow at the University of Queensland. Her research focuses on social identity, group processes, and intergroup relations. She has published over 150 peer-reviewed articles on these topics, and previously co-edited The Social Cure: Identity, Health and Well-Being (Psychology Press, 2012; with Catherine Haslamand AlexHaslam). She is a former Chief Editor of the British Journal of Social Psychology and currently Chief Editor of Social Issues and Policy Review. Tegan Cruwys (PhD, Australian National University) is a Lecturer in the School of Psychology at the University of Queensland, a practicing clinical psychologist, and a recipient of the Australian Research Council’s Discovery Early Career Research Award. Her research investigates the social-psychological determinants of health, with a particular focus on health behaviours, mental health, and vulnerable populations. Genevieve Dingle (PhD, University of Queensland) is a Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychologyin the School of Psychology at theUniversity of Queensland. Her research focuses on social factors in addiction, depression, and chronic mental health problems; people experiencing homelessness; and the recovery process. She is on the Editorial Board of the British Journal of Clinical Psychology. S. Alexander Haslam (PhD, Macquarie University) is a Professor of Social and Organisational Psychology and Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow at the University of Queensland. He is a former Chief Editor of the European Journal of Social Psychology whose research focuses on the study of group and identity processes in social, organisational, and clinical contexts. Together with colleagues he has written and edited 11 books and over 200 peer-reviewed articleson these topics, includingmost recently, The New Psychology of Leadership: Identity, Influence and Power (Psychology Press, 2011, with Steve Reicher and Michael Platow).