This book has been conceived and designed as an independent support tool for managers at all levels, from shop-floor supervisor to main board director. It contains specific examples of words and phrases that can be used as well as illustrations and exercises to analyse your current performance. When you get into the habit of recognising and leveraging your moments of power, then not only will you be better off, but so will your team members, your colleagues and your bosses. Scenarios might include:a tricky, awkward or threatening situationa lack of confidence to deal with other people in the way that is needed the need to assert your authority morepanicking about what to do nextawarding bonusesallocating critical work. Who to choose?the need for guidance on how to admonish team members or punish mis-behaviour needing to get extra effort from the team when under pressure incentivisingdelegationmanaging your own time more effectivelyhaving to deal with under-performers personality clashes between work colleagueshaving to deal with conflict between team members, or between teamsmanaging a meeting with senior leaders Including interviews and contributions from a number of managers and leaders in a range of companies and industries including: John Madejski, company director, football club chairman, University Chancellor; Malcolm Diamond, Chairman of Trifast plc; Niall Quinn ex-Chairman of Sunderland Football Club; Dr David Price, Chief Executive of Chemring Group plc; Phil Stutes, President Fugro Chance Inc.; Warren East, Chief Executive ARM Holdings plc; Brian Cooke, Chairman Castings plc; Russell King, Chairman, GeoProMining; Stewart Davies, Adviser, Coller Capital.