Jack J. Phillips, PhD, is a world-renowned expert on measurement and evaluation and chair of the ROI Institute, Inc., which provides consulting services, workshops and keynote addresses for Fortune 500 companies and major organizations around the world. He developed the ROI MethodologyT, a revolutionary process that provides bottom-line figures and accountability for all types of training, performance improvement, human resources and technology programs and is used worldwide by corporations, governments and non-profit organizations. His expertise in measurement and evaluation is based on nearly thirty years of corporate experience in five industries. He has served as training and development manager at two Fortune 500 firms, senior HR officer at two firms, president of a regional federal savings bank, and management professor at a major state university. Phillips is the author or editor of more than 30 books and more than 100 articles.
Lynn Schmidt is Vice President, Learning and Development, for Charter University at Charter Communications. Previously Director of Nextel Communications' Leadership Institute and Chairperson of the ASTD ROI Network Advisory Committee, in 2002 she received the Jack and Patti Phillips ROI Practitioner of the Year Award.