Contents: Introduction; Part I Issues of Cultural Impact: The subtle inequalities of copyright, Philip G. Altbach; Publishing worlds: sectors within the industry, Lewis A. Coser; The cultural meaning of concentration in publishing, Elizabeth Long; From art to corporation: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., and the cultural effects of merger, Linda E. Connors, Sara Lynn Henry and Jonathan W. Reader; The impact of television on the audience for national newspapers 1945-68, James Curran. Part II Literary Property: Geneva v. Saint Petersburg: 2 concepts of literary property and material lives of books in Under Western Eyes, Shafquat Towheed; Building a career: Joseph Conrad and Pinker, Mary Ann Gillies; 'Trust me. I'm an agent': the ever changing balance between author, agent and publisher, Eric de Bellaigue; Inventing F. David: author(ing) translation, Eva Hemmungs Wirtén. Part III War, Censorship and Post-Colonialism: The impact of war: British publishers and French publications 1940-1944, Valerie Holman; Censors and their readers: selling, silencing and reading Czech books, Jirina Å mejkalová; The politics of postcolonial publishing: Oxford University Press's 3 Crowns series 1962-76, Caroline Davis; Prizing otherness: a short history of the Booker, Graham Huggan. Part IV Marketing and Reading: Marx, Jane Eyre, Tarzan: miners' libraries in South Wales 1923-52, Jonathan Rose; Books and reading in the age of mass production: the Book of the Month Club, Janice Radway; Maintaining highbrow standards: B.W. Huebsch opens the door to modern literature, Catherine Turner; Crossovers, Claire Squires. Part V Bookselling and Design: Designing the bookstore for the standardized consumer, Laura J. Miller; Designing John Hersey's The Wall: W.A. Dwiggins, George Salter and the challenges of American Holocaust memory, Robert Franciosi; Packaging the world's best books, Jay Satterfield. Part VI The Digital Book: Are we already beyond the book?, George P. Landow; Where is the value in pub