Contents: Part 1 An Overview of the Field: Public reaction to crime in the streets, Frank F. Furstenberg; A cross-national comparison of victims of crime: victim surveys of 12 countries, Richard Block. Part 2 The Causes of Vulnerability: Safe conduct: women, crime and self in public places, Carol Brooks Gardner; Boys don't cry: masculinities, fear of crime and fearlessness, Jo Goodey; The elderly's fear of crime: a critical examination of the research, Randy L. LaGrange and Kenneth F. Ferraro; Fear of criminal victimisation: the effect of neighborhood racial composition, Gertrude L. Moeller; The effects of building size on personal crime and fear of crime, Oscar Newman and Karen A. Franck; The impact of victimisation on fear, Wesley G. Skogan. Part 3 The Sources of Information on Victimisation: The impact of a crime wave: perceptions, fear and confidence in the police, Mary Holland Baker, Barbara C. Neinstedt, Ronald S. Everett and Richard McCleary; Living with television: the violence profile, George Gerbner and Larry Gross; Television viewing and fear of victimisation: is the relationship causal?, Anthony N. Doob and Glenn E. Macdonald; Television viewing and the fear of crime: where is the mean world?, Linda Heath and John Petraitis; Feeling safe by comparison: crime in the newspapers, Allen E. Liska and Paul Baccaglini; Fear of crime: read all about it? The relationship between newspaper crime reporting and fear of crime, Paul Williams and Julie Dickinson. Part 4 The Methods of Surveying: The measurement of the fear of crime, Kenneth F. Ferraro and Randy LaGrange; Methodological problems in the study of fears, James W. Croake and Dennis E. Hinkle; New methodological perspectives for victimisation surveys: the potentials of computer-assisted telephone surveys and some related innovations, Martin Killias; Methodological problems in victim surveys and their implications for research in victimology, Anne L. Schneider. Part 5 Theoretical Models of Explanation: Criminology: testing alternative models of fear of crime, Ralph B. Taylor and Margaret Hale; Fear of crime in residential environments: testing a social psychological model, Adri van der Wurff, Leendert van Staalduinen and Peter Stringer; Vulnerability, locus of control and worry about crime, Vincent F. Sacco and William Glackman; Block crime and fear: defensible space, local social ties and territorial functioning, Ralph B. Taylor, Stephen D. Gottfredson and Sidney Brower. Part 6 Policies to Reduce Fear: Fear of crime: the effect of improved residential security on a difficult to let estate, Patricia Allatt; The effectiveness of a police-initiated fear reducing strategy, Trevor Bennett; Reducing fear of crime: strategies for intervention, Jeffrey Hennig and Michael G. Maxfield; Community crime prevention: an analysis of a developing strategy, Dan A. Lewis and Greta Salem; Environmental improvements and the fear of crime: the sad case of the 'Pond' area in Glasgow, Gwyneth Nair, Jason Ditton and Samuel Phillips; Afraid or angry? Recalibrating the 'fear' of crime, Jason Ditton, Jon Bannister, Elizabeth Gilchrist and Steven Farrell; Name index.