Part 1: From Labour Law To Labour Market Regulation 1. Updating the Labour Market Regulation Perspective on Labour Law CJ Arup 2. When Was ‘Labour Law’? Anthony O’Donnell 3. A Different World: The Regulatory Project in Labour law John Howe Part 2: Labour Law, Equality And Human Rights 4. Evaluating the Adverse Action Provisions of the Fair Work Act: Equality Thwarted? Beth Gaze, Anna Chapman and Adriana Orifici 5. At the Intersection of Education and Work: Young People, Equality and Regulation of the Labour Market Anne et al 6. Normative Visions of Age: Progress and Change in Australian Labour Law Alysia Blackham Part 3: Effectiveness And Enforcement In Labour Law 7. Regulating Health and Safety in 'Vertically Disintegrated' Work Arrangements: The Example of Supply Chains Richard Johnstone 8. Watch This Space: Mapping the Actors Involved in the Implementation of Labour Standards Regulation in Australia Tess Hardy 9. Researching Labour Law 'In Practice': Challenges in Assessing the Impact of Protected Industrial Action Ballot Procedures on Enterprise Bargaining Processes Catrina Denvir and Shae McCrystal Part 4: Sidestepping The Law Through Legal Structures 10. Sidestepping Labour Law Through the Corporate Form Helen Anderson 11. ‘Predatory Princes’, ‘Migration Merchants’ or ‘Agents of Development’? An Examination of the Legal Regulation of Labour Hire Migration Intermediaries Joanna Howe 12. Agency Work and its Regulatory Challenges: Lessons Learnt Through a Comparative Overview of Australian and Italian Approaches Maria Azzurra Tranfaglia Part 5: International And Comparative Perspectives 13. Understanding Australian Labour Law Discourse as International Jill Murray 14. Using a Historical Institutionalist Approach to Assess the Cambodian Better Factories Project Shelley Marshall 15. Trade Agreements and Australian Labour Law – Implications of the Death of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Joo-Cheong Tham and KD Ewing 16. Game Changer? Human Rights Due Diligence and Corporate Respect for Workers' Rights in a Global Economy Ingrid Landau Part 6: The Future Of Work And Labour Law 17. Technology, the Digital Economy and the Challenge for Labour Market Regulation Peter Gahan, Joshua Healy and Daniel Nicholson