Keynote Lectures Reflections on 40+ years of rock engineering practice in mining W.F. Bawden Recent Advances in Seismic Soil Liquefaction Engineering K.O. Cetin & H. T. Bilge Advances in data-driven subsurface mapping K-K Phoon & J. Ching After decades of rock engineering modelling, are we asking the right questions? M.S. Diederichs Position Papers for Panel Discussion 1 Comprehensive Slope Monitoring Program for Managing LargeScale Instabilities: A Contribution to "From Monitoring and Calibration to Predictive Modelling" N. Coli Position Paper for "From Monitoring and Calibration to Predictive Modelling" Panel Discussion - Thoughts on Instrumentation/Monitoring and Numerical Model Calibration W.F. Bawden Panel Discussion: From Monitoring and Calibration to Predictive Modelling – Continuously Improving Models with Monitoring Data N. Bar Real-Time Data Collection from InSAR is Coming Soon: A Contribution to "From Monitoring and Calibration to Predictive Modelling" Panel Discussion D. Colombo Position Papers for Panel Discussion 2 Position Paper on Numerical Modelling: Perspectives from Technical Support on User Models B. Corkum Position Paper on Numerical Modelling: Philosophy J. Carvalho Position Paper on Numerical Modelling: Numerical Modelling Philosophy T. R. Stacey Position Paper on Numerical Modelling: Challenges in Tailings Dam Models T. Bretas Technical Sessions Session 1 - Rock Mass Characterization: Towards improved definition of the Hoek-Brown constant mi for numerical modelling T.G. Carter Study of the Effect on Stability of Slope Variations and Reserve Estimation in the Kaolin Mining Quarry Design I. Chusna, N.R. Mulyaputra, V. Vergiagara & H. Suharyadi How to incorporate variability of rockmass structures into equivalent continuum numerical models using the Composite Geological Strength Index J. Day Rock Mass Characterization of Molasse-like Deposit of Dahor Formation and Its Application To Rock Slope Stability From Bunati Area, South Kalimantan: A Preliminary Study L. Zeremy Session 2 - Tunnels & Caverns I Brittle failure assessment for TBM tunneling under high overburden: A case study from Pahang-Selangor Raw Water Transfer Tunnel Project, Malaysia ` H.H. Shaalan, M.A.M. Ismail, R. Azit & I.N. Yusof Use of continuum and pseudo-discontinuum FEM models in stepwise verification of the FDEM for simulating damage around tunnels in brittle rock S. Markus & M. Diederichs Numerical investigation of the relationship between the inflow rate to the tunnel, block volume and block surface area A. Shahbazi, A. Saeidi & R. Chesnaux Severe rockburst occurrence during construction of a complex hydroelectric plantG. Russo Session 3 - Stability Analysis of Mining Slopes IA nalytical versus numerical analysis on slope stability of surface lignite mines A. Mikroutsikos, A. Theocharis, N. Koukouzas & I. Zevgolis Practicalities when adopting a gradational damage factor within a Hoek-Brown constitutive model P. Edmondson & V. Pere Open pit 3D slope stability for anisotropic rock masses in soft iron ore deposits – A case study L.T. Figueiredo, R. Hammah, Y. Santos, T. Souza & C. Nogueira Comparison of the probabilistic and deterministic slope stability analysis of a dolomite quarry in HungaryG. Bögöly & F. Füzesi Session 4 - Probabilistic Slope Stability Analysis I Considering multiple failure modes: a comparison of probabilistic analysis and multi-modal optimization for a 3D slope stability case study B. Cami, T. Yacoub, T. Ma, B. Corkum & S. Javankhoshdel Assessment of asperities geometry influence on MSW landfill critical interface side-slope stability using probabilistic analysis 199 D.D. Adeleke, D. Kalumba, L. Nolutshugu & J. Oriokot Schematization of Soil Properties in Mathematical Modeling of Slope StabilityI. Fomenko Session 5 - New Technologies in Geotechnical Engineering Artificial intelligence and image processing in the MIRET approach for the water detection and integrated geotechnical management of existing mechanized tunnels: methodology, algorithm and case study F. Foria, D. Cuccato, M. Calicchio, S. Rinaldo, A. Tarquini, & G. Bomben An integrated geotechnical risk management approach using cloud-based risk assessments, artificial intelligence, satellite monitoring and drone technology J. Strydom Remote sensing and mapping of geological rock-mass features employing advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence. S. Amvrazis, J. Patzelt, C. Binder, M. Smesnik & A. Freuis Tunnel liner yield forecasting at Cigar Lake Mine: an Input Omission approach to understanding machine learning processesJ. Morgenroth, M.A. Perras & U. T. Khan Session 6 - Surface Excavations Evaluation of theoretical liquefaction of compacted tailings piles based on the state parameter approach: a case study E. O. Muguet & R. Silva Lessons Learnt from 3D Soil-Structure Modeling of a Peanut Shaped Cofferdam for Cut & Cover Tunnel A.K.L. Kwong Field instrumentation based performance verification of an improved soil siteA. Yunatci, H. Bilge, E. Çakir & Y.U. Dogan Session 7 - 3D Slope Stability Analysis Finite element analysis of a deep excavation: A case study ground response due to deep excavations in Sydney Sandstone M. Kitson & M. Kitson North wall stability analysis of Vasilkovskoye open pit Kazakhstan D. Dossymbek & S. Mortazavi 3-D stability analyses in soft clays with strain-softening M.P. Pacheco & M. Pacheco On the comparison of 2D and 3D stability analyses of an anisotropic slopeA. McQuillan, N. Bar & T. Yacoub Session 8 - Numerical Slope Stability Analysis I Numerical profile modeling for transient groundwater flow at pit slope E. Leonteva & R. Sapachev Soil-Structure Interaction of Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Retaining Walls Subjected to Construction Sequencing and Seismic Loading L.L. Clemente, G.P. Ventura & PE.B. Quinay 2D and 3D Numerical Study of Geosynthetic Mechanically Stabilized Earth GMSE Walls E.L.A. Montilla, E.R. Esquivel & F.H. Martins Portelinha 2D and 3D FEM modeling of the initiation of progressive landslidesR. Dey & S. Javankhoshdel Session 9 - Liquefaction & Foundation Analysis Bearing capacity and settlement analysis of closely spaced shallow foundations with various footing geometry on multi-layered soils M.E.C. Amorin & G.P. Ventura Behaviour of Rigid Block on Uniform Sand Under Horizontal Base Acceleration N. Trbovic, V. Jagodnik & N. Ceh Skin Friction Displacement Relations for Load Settlement Behaviour of Bored Piles in Dubai A. Mufty Implementation of Constrained Differential Evolution in Reliability-based Evaluation of Soil-Structure Interactioninfluenced Liquefaction PotentialC.R. Guanzon, G.P. Ventura & A.S. Freire Session 10 - Stability Analysis of Mining Slopes II The effect of water filling on slope stability of open pits: a numerical investigation I. Zevgolis, A. Mikroutsikos & A.I. Theocharis Geotechnical Analysis of Cut and Fill Mining Sequence on Dumping Materials Re-handling XPit by Using Slide3 P. Handanawarih & Z.I. Munthaha 3D Slope Stability Analysis of a Filtered Iron Ore Tailings Dry Stacking A.S. Freire, T.C. Bretas, T.B.G. Moreira & M.C. Medeiros Slope Angle Optimization Applied for Geometry Design Of An Open Pit Iron Ore MineM. C. Medeiros, B.A. Alemão, M .A.P. Guimarães, T.C. Bretas, F. F.M. Vilela, T.B.G. Moreira Session 11 - Probabilistic Slope Stability Analysis II Back Analysis For Landslide In Mine Waste Dump Slope Using Probabilistic Analysis G. Firmanda, A. Gemas & P. Nayoan Reliability analysis of soil nail walls using SRV and RLEM approaches S.M. Asadollahi, M. Rezvani, A. Fakher & S. Javankhoshdel Probabilistic slope stability analysis of a case study using Random Limit Equilibrium Method and Surface Altering Optimization S. Javankhoshdel, T. Ma, B. Cami, R.J. Chenari & T. Yacoub Simulating the topography induced stresses using 3D numerical modelingW.