Preface by Huang-Hsiung Huang Foreword by Yi-huah Jiang Introduction by Yun-han Chu and Yongnian Zheng Part I. The Crisis of Liberal Democracy in the West and Its Competitors from Asia Chapter 1 John Dunn, "The Principal Vulnerabilities of Western Liberalism" Chapter 2 Wolfgang Streeck, "The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism in the West" Chapter 3 Philippe Schmitter, "Crisis and Mutation in the Institutions of Representation in ‘Real-Existing’ Democracies" Chapter 4 Yongnian Zheng, "The China Model: Internal Pluralism, Meritocracy and Democracy" Chapter 5 Sandeep Shastri, "India’s Development Path: Implications for the Democratic Future of the Developing World" Part II. Can the Post-War Liberal International Order Be Saved? Chapter 6 Thomas Pogge, "Can Liberalism Envision a Widely Acceptable World Order?" Chapter 7 Peter Katzenstein, "Fractures and Resilience of Liberal International Orders" Chapter 8 Barry Buzan, "Will the Liberal International Order Survive? An English School Perspective" Chapter 9 Yun-han Chu, "Reformist, Not Revisionist: China’s Emerging Global Role" Chapter 10 Yong-nian Zheng and Bojian Liu, "Tailored Multilateralism: The Essence of China’s Grand Strategy," Part III. Asia’s Rise and the Emerging Global Order Chapter 11 Kishore Mahbubani, "Can Asia reshape global governance?" Chapter 12 Keiichi Tsunekawa, "Globalism, Nationalism, and Regional Order in Asia: A Japanese Perspective" Chapter 13 Guangwu Wang, "Order between Heritage and Law" Chapter 14 Lawrence Lau, "China’s Economic Rise and Its Challenges and Opportunities to Taiwan" hapter 15 Daniel Bell, "Towards an Asian Regional Order Led by China and India" Part IV. Conclusion Chapter 16 Yves Tiberghien, "Asia's Rise and the Transition to a Post-Western Global Order.