The fully revised fourth edition of this successful textbook fills a void which will arise when British designers start using the European steel code EC3 instead of the current steel code BS5950. The principal feature of theforth editionis the discussion of the behaviour of steel structures and the criteria used in design according to the British version ofEC3. Thus it serves to bridge the gap which too often occurs when attention is concentrated on methods of analysis and the sizing of structural components. Because emphasis is placed on the development of an understanding of behaviour, many analytical details are either omitted in favour of more descriptive explanations, or are relegated to appendices. The many worked examples both illustrate the behaviour of steel structures and exemplify details of the design process. The Behaviour and Design of Steel Structures to EC3is a key text for senior undergraduate and graduate students, andan essentialreference tool for practising structuralengineers in the UK and other countries.