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horn henrik (curatore); mavroidis petros c. (curatore) - the american law institute reporters' studies on wto case law

The American Law Institute Reporters' Studies on WTO Case Law Legal and Economic Analysis


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Lingua: Inglese
Pubblicazione: 08/2007


This compendium brings together the entire output to date of the American Law Institute (ALI) project on World Trade Organization Law. Reporters' Studies are offered on all disputes from the adjudicating bodies of the WTO in recent years, including those concerning Foreign Sales Corporations (FSC), the Byrd Amendment and the long-lasting US-Canada softwood lumber conflict. Each case is jointly evaluated by well-known experts in trade law and international economics. ALI Reporters critically review the jurisprudence of WTO adjudicating bodies and evaluate whether the ruling ‘makes sense’ from an economic as well as a legal point of view, and, if not, whether the problem lies in the interpretation of the law or the law itself. The Studies do not always cover all issues discussed in a case, but they seek to discuss both the procedural and the substantive issues that form, in the Reporters' view, the ‘core’ of the dispute.


Part I. The WTO Case Law of 2001; Part II. The WTO Case Law of 2002; Part III. The WTO Case Law of 2003.


This compendium brings together the entire output to date of the American Law Institute (ALI) project on World Trade Organization Law. Reporters' Studies are offered on all recent disputes from the adjudicating bodies of the WTO. Each case is jointly evaluated by well-known experts in trade law and international economics.


Professor of International Economics at the Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University.
Edwin B. Parker Professor of Foreign and Comparative Law at Columbia Law School, Professor at the University of Neuchâtel, and a member of the Centre for Economic Policy Research.

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Condizione: Nuovo
Collana: The American Law Institute Reporters Studies on WTO Law
Dimensioni: 225 x 54 x 153 mm Ø 1444 gr
Formato: Brossura
Pagine Arabe: 918

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