1 Introduction /Marla Spivak, David J. C. Fletcher, and Michael D. Breed -- PART ONE -- SYSTEMATICS AND IDENTIFICATION -- 2 Systematics and Identification of Africanized Honey Bees /Howell V. Daly -- 3 Genetic Characterization of Honey Bees Through DNA Analysis /H. Glenn Hall -- PART TWO -- THE SPREAD OF AFRICANIZED BEES AND THE AFRICANIZATION PROCESS -- 4 Interdependence of Genetics and Ecology in a Solution to the African Bee Problem /David J.C. Fletcher -- 5 The Processes of Africanization /Thomas E. Rinderer and Richard L. Hellmich II -- 6 Africanized Bees: Natural Selection for Colonizing Ability /Francis L. W. Ratnieks -- 7 The Africanization Process in Costa Rica /Marla Spivak -- 8 Honey Bee Genetics and Breeding /Robert E. Page, Jr., and Warwick E. Kerr -- 9 Continuing Commercial Queen Production After the Arrival of Africanized Honey Bees /Richard L. Hellmich II -- PART THREE -- POPULATION BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY, AND DISEASES -- 10 The Inside Story: Internal Colony Dynamics of Africanized Bees /Mark L. Winston -- 11 Population Biology of the Africanized Honey Bee /Gard W. Otis -- 12 Foraging Behavior and Honey Production /Thomas E. Rinderer and Anita M. Collins -- 13 Aspects of Africanized Honey Bee Ecology in Tropical America /David W. Roubik -- 14 Bee Diseases, Parasites, and Pests /H. Shimanuki, D. A. Knox, and David De long -- PART FOUR -- DEFENSIVE BEHAVIOR -- 15 Defensive Behavior /Michael D. Breed -- 16 Genetics of Defensive Behavior I /Anita M. Collins and Thomas E. Rinderer -- 17 Genetics of Defensive Behavior II /Antonio Carlos Stort and Lionel Segui Gon~alves -- PART FIVE -- BEEKEEPING IN SOUTH AMERICA -- 18 Beekeeping in Brazil /Lionel Segui Gon~alves, Antonio Carlos Start, and David De long -- 19 The Africanized Honey Bee in Peru /Robert B. Kent -- 20 Beekeeping in Venezuela, Richard L. Hellmich II and Thomas E. Rinderer -- Author Index -- Subject Index.