PrefaceIntroductionPART I. PLANT BREEDING UNDER ADVERSE CONDITIONS OF ACID SOILSBreeding of Grain Crops in Extreme Climatic Conditions; Galina A. Batalova, Irina N. Shchennikova, and Eugene M. LisitsynGenetics of Quantitative Traits of Productivity and Qualities of Grain of Oat; Avena Sativa L., Galina A. Batalova, and Eugene M. LisitsynRole of Somaclonal Variation in Cereal Breeding for Aluminum Resistance; Eugene M. Lisitsyn and Lyudmila N. ShikhovaEcological Stability of Spring Barley Varieties; Irina N. Shchennikova and Eugene M. LisitsynBarley Genotypes (Hordeum vulgare L.) Created by the Method of Cell Selection; Olga N. Shupletsova, Irina N. Shchennikova, and Tatyana K. SheshegovaBasic Elements of Mineral Nutrition at Plants of Grain Crops under Conditions of Oxygen Stress; Lyudmila N. Shihova, Eugene M. Lisitsyn, and Galina A. BatalovaEdaphic Stress as the Modifier of Correlation of Yield Structure’s Elements in Cereal Crops; Eugene M. Lisitsyn and Lyudmila N. ShikhovaPART II. HORTICULTURAL CROP SCIENCEBiological Features of the New Pear Cultivars (Pyrus communis L.); Mykola Ol. Bublyk, Oksana Iv. Mykychuk, Liudmyla A. Fryzyuk, Liudmyla M. Levchyk, and Galyna A. ChornaAmino Acid Composition of Strawberries (Fragaria ×ananassa Duch.); Irina L. ZamorskaThe Viral Diseases of the Corilus Spp. ¿iotechnology of Production of Improvement Plant Material; Galina A. Tarasenko, Ivan Sem. Kosenko, Olga A. Boyko, and Anatoly Iv. OpalkoPhylogenetic Connections Between Representatives of the Genus Amelanchier Medik; Anatoly Iv. Opalko, Olena D. Andrienko, and Olga ¿. OpalkoPART III. ECOLOGICAL PECULIARITIES OF THE FOOTHILLS OF THE NORTHEN CAUCASUS: CYTOGENETIC ANOMALIES OF THE LOCAL HUMAN POPULATIONSources of Fresh and Mineral Water in North Ossetia—Alania; Margarita E. DzodzikovaIntroduction of Clover Species (Trifolium L.) in the North Caucasus; Sarra A. Bekuzarova, Lidia B. Sokolova, and Irina T. SamovaDetoxification of Soils Contaminated with Heavy Metals; Galina P. Khubaeva, Sarra A. Bekuzarova, and Kurman E. SokaevGenetic Health of the Human Population as a Reflection of the Environment: Cytogenetic Analysis; Lidia V. Chopikashvili, Tatiana I. Tsidaeva, Sergey V. Skupnevsky, Elena G. Pu¿haeva, Larisa A. Bobyleva, and Fatima K. RuruaPART IV. PHENOGENETIC STUDIES OF CULTIVATED PLANTS AND BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF THE SEEDSEcological and Biological Study of Collection of the Genus Hordeum L.; Nina A. Bome, Nikolay V. Tetyannikov, Alexander Ya. Bome, and Olga N. KovalyovaReaction of Collection Samples of Barley (Hordeum L.) and Oats (Avena L.) on Chloride Salinization; Nina A. Bome and Alexander Ya. BomeResistance to Impact of Environment Factors of Hybrid Forms Soft Spring Wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.); Elena I. Ripberger and Nina A. Bome Comparative Trials of Variety Samples of Eastern Galega (Galega orientalis Lam.); Vera I. Bushuyeva, Marina N. Avramenko, and Catherine S. AndronovichPART V. ANTHROPOGENIC PRESSURE ON ENVIRONMENTAL AND PLANT DIVERSITYPlant Response to Oil Contamination in Simulated Conditions; Nina A. Bome and Reval A. NazyrovInfluence of Anthropogenic Pressure on Environmental Characteristics of Meadow Habitats in the Forest and Forest-Steppe Zones; Anna ¿. KuzemkoDynamics of the Floristic Diversity of Meadows as a Stability Factor of Herbaceous Ecosystems; Rafail A. Afanas'evBotanico-Geographical Zoning of the Upper Dnieper Basin on the Base of the J. Braun-Blanquet Vegetation Classification Approach; Yury A. SemenishchenkovPART VI: METHODS OF EVALUATION OF THE QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE CHARACTERS OF SELECTION SAMPLESSustainability of Agrocenoses in the Use of Fertilizers on the Basis of Sewage Sludge; Genrietta Ye. Merzlaya and Michail O. SmirnovTransformation of Mobile Phosphorus in the Soils of Agroecosystems During Prolonged Trials; Rafail A. Afanas’ev and Genrietta Ye. MerzlayaAccounting Within-Field Variability of Soil Fertility to Optimize Differentiated Fertilizer Application; Rafail A. Afanas'evGas Discharge Visualization of Selection Samples of Trifolium Pretense; Victoria ¿. BelyayevaApplication Galega orientalis Lam. for Solving Problems of Reduction the Cost of Forage; Igor Y. KuznetsovThe Effect on the Incidence and the Development of Malignant Tumors; Valery N. Erokhin, Tamara A. Misharina, Elena B. Burlakova, and Anna V. KrementsovaIndex