MEDICAL ROBOTICS, TELESURGERY, AND IMAGE-GUIDED SURGERY Medical RoboticsGiancarlo Ferrigno, Alessandra Pedrocchi, Elena De Momi, Emilia Ambrosini, and Elisa Beretta Modern Devices for TelesurgeryFlorian Gosselin Microsurgery SystemsLeonardo S. Mattos, Diego Pardo, Emidio Olivieri, Giacinto Barresi, Jesus Ortiz, Loris Fichera, Nikhil Deshpande, and Veronica Penza Image-Guided MicrosurgeryTom Williamson, Marco Caversaccio, Stefan Weber, and Brett Bell TELENURSING, PERSONALIZED CARE, PATIENT CARE, AND EEMERGENCY SYSTEMS eHealth and TelenursingSinclair Wynchank and Nathanael Sabbah mHealth: Intelligent Closed-Loop Solutions for Personalized HealthcareCarmen C. Y. Poon and Kevin K. F. Hung Patient Care Sensing and Monitoring SystemsAkihiro Kajiwara and Ryohei Nakamura Mobile Health Sleep TechnologiesAnda Baharav Cardiovascular Disease Management via Electronic HealthAimilia Gastounioti, Spyretta Golemati, Ioannis Andreadis, Vasileios Kolias, and Konstantina S. Nikita mHealth eEmergency SystemsEfthyvoulos Kyriacou, Andreas Panayides, and Panayiotis Constantinides NETWORKS AND DATABASES, INFORMATICS, RECORD MANAGEMENT, EDUCATION AND TRAINING Global and Local Health Information, Databases, and NetworksKostas Giokas, Yiannis Makris, Anna Paidi, Marios Prasinos, Dimitra Iliopoulou, and Dimitris Koutsouris Electronic Medical Records: Management and ImplementationLiping Liu Public Health Informatics in Australia and around the WorldKathleen Gray and Fernando Martin Sanchez Ubiquitous Personal Health Records for Remote RegionsLee H. Seldon, Jacey-Lynn Minoi, Mahmud Ahsan, and Ali Abdulwahab A. Al-Habsi Education and Training for Supporting General Practitioners in the Use of Clinical Telehealth: A Needs AnalysisSisira Edirippulige, Nigel R. Armfield, Liam Caffery, and Anthony C. Smith BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, MANAGEMENT AND SERVICES, AND WEB APPLICATIONS Delivering eHealthcare: Opportunities and ChallengesDeborah A. Helman, Eric J. Addeo, N. Iwan Santoso, David W. Walters, and Guy Helman Mobile Healthcare User Interface Design Application StrategiesAnn L. Fruhling, Sharmila Raman, and Scott McGrath Epidemic Tracking and Disease Monitoring in Rural Areas: A Case Study in PakistanHammad Qureshi, Arshad Ali, Shamila Keyani, and Ahmad Atif Mumtaz mHealth and Web ApplicationsJavier Pindter-Medina Investigation and Assessment of Effectiveness of Knowledge Brokering on Web 2.0 in Health Sector in Quebec, CanadaMoktar Lamari and Saliha Ziam EXAMPLES OF INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGIES: VIRTUAL SYSTEMS, IMAGE PROCESSING, BIOKINEMATICS, MEASUREMENTS, AND VLSI Virtual Doctor Systems for Medical PracticesHamido Fujita and Enrique Herrera-Viedma Synthetic Biometrics in Biomedical SystemsKenneth Lai, Steven Samoil, Svetlana N. Yanushkevich, and Adrian Stoica Performance Analysis of Transform-Based Medical Image-Compression Methods for TelemedicineSujitha Juliet and Elijah Blessing Rajsingh Tracking the Position and Orientation of Ultrasound Probe for Image-Guided Surgical ProceduresBasem F. Yousef Biokinematics for Mobility: Theory, Sensors, and Wireless MeasurementsAtila Yilmaz and Tuna Orhanli Biopotentials and Electrophysiology MeasurementsNitish V. Thakor Sensor Signal Conditioning for Biomedical InstrumentationTomas E. Ward Sensor-Based Human Activity-Recognition TechniquesDonghai Guan, Weiwei Yuan, and Sungyoung Lee Very Large-Scale Integration Bioinstrumentation Circuit Design and Nanopore ApplicationsJungsuk Kim and William B. Dunbar Wireless Electrical Impedance Tomography: LabVIEW-Based Automatic Electrode SwitchingTushar Kanti Bera