1. IntroductionStefan Bringezu and Raimund Bleischwitz2 Analysing global resource use of national and regional economies across various levelsStefan Bringezu, Isabel van de Sand, Helmut Schütz, Raimund Bleischwitz and Stephan Moll3 Europe's resource use: basic trends, global and sectoral patterns, environmental and socioeconomic impactsStefan Bringezu, Helmut Schütz, Mathieu Saurat, Stephan Moll, José Acosta-Fernández and Sören Steger4 Visions of a sustainable resource useStefan Bringezu5 Outline of a resource policy and its economic dimensionRaimund Bleischwitz, Bettina Bahn-Walkowiak, Stefan Bringezu, Rainer Lucas, Sören Steger, Henning Wilts, Mathias Onischka and Oliver Röder