Anoop Desai is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Southern University. He received his PhD in Industrial Engineering from the University of Cincinnati in 2006. His areas of research interest include Product Development, Design for Manufacturing, Six Sigma and Quality control and Engineering Economic analysis. Dr. Desai is the author of "Production Economics: Evaluating Costs of Operations in Manufacturing and Service Industries", "Product Development: A Structured Approach to Consumer Product Design, Development and Manufacture", "Fundamentals of Work measurement: What Every Engineer Should Know" and "Global Sustainability and Innovation (Edited)." Dr. Desai is also the author of thirty journal papers mainly focusing on the area of Design for X, environment conscious design and manufacturing and the economics of production processes. He is one of Elsevier Science's most cited authors. Anil Mital is a retired Professor of Manufacturing Design and Engineering at the University of Cincinnati. He was also the former Professor and Director of Industrial Engineering and a Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Mital is the founding Editor-in- Chief Emeritus of Elsevier’s International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics and is the founding Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of the International Journal of Industrial Engineering ? Theory, Applications, and Practice. Dr. Mital has authored and coauthored nearly 500 publications, including 200 journal articles and 23 books. He has made over 200 technical presentations in various parts of the world. He frequently conducted seminars in different countries on a wide range of topics, such as work design, engineering economy, facilities planning, human-centered manufacturing, ergo- nomics, and product design. Dr. Mital is a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES). He also is a recipient of IIE’s David F. Baker Distinguished Research Award, HFES’s Paul M. Fitts Educational Award, and the Society of Automotive Engineers’ Ralph Teetor Educational Award. Dr. Mital has been recognized by the Engineering Economy Division of IIE through its Eugene Grant Award and by the Society of Work Sciences through its M. M. Ayoub Award.