Dr. Zhao Xiande is JD.COM Chair Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management, Associate Dean (Shenzhen Campus), Director of CEIBS-ZKH Centre for Innovation in Supply Chains and Services, and Co-Director of the Digital Transformation of Enterprises Course of CEIBS. Professor Zhao’s expertise is in the areas of Operations and Supply Chain Management. His research interests mostly focus on supply chain management and innovation, network-based service and business model innovation, supply chain finance, supply chain integration, digital supply chain, supply chain optimization using big data.
In recent five years, he published five influential books, Digital Innovation: Supply Chain and Business Model, Synergism: Selective Cases on Supply Chain and Business Model Innovation, Platform-Based Business Model Innovation and Service Design, Global Supply Chain Quality Management: Product Recalls and Their Impact and International Operations Management: Lessons in Global Business. He has published over 180 journal articles in leading journals including Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Consumer Research, European Journal of Operations Research, International Journal of Production Research and International Journal of Production Economics. He has been recognized as the World’s Most Cited Chinese Researchers published by Elsevier (2014-2019) for six consecutive years. He has also received more than 10 academic honors including Jack Meredith Best Paper Award from Journal of Operations Management that is the best journal in the area of operations management in the world (2015, 2018), Research Excellence Award granted from CEIBS (2015, 2016, 2018).
Professor Zhao is the founder and honorable president of Association of Supply Chain and Operations Management (ASCOM). He is also the founding President of International Association for Information and Management Science (IMS). He also served as the President of Asia Pacific Institute of Decision Sciences (APDSI). He is currently an Associate Editor for Decision Sciences Journal and the Journal of Operations Management. He is also a Senior Editor of Production and Operations Management, and the Chief Editor of Data, Information and Management Journal.
Dr Hing Kai Chan is a Professor of Operations Management of the Nottingham University Business School China, University of Nottingham Ningbo China. He is the Associate Dean for Education and Student Experience of the Faculty of Business. His main research interests is in intelligent manufacturing and production management. He worked in the electronic manufacturing industry over 10 years before joining the academia.
Professor Chan has published over 100 peer-reviewed academic articles and (co-)edited several special issues for reputable international journals. His publications appear in Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, various IEEE Transactions, Decision Support Systems, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, among others. He has been the co-editor of Industrial Management & Data Systems since 2014, and is an Associate Editor of Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review since 2018. He was the Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics from 2009 to 2015, and the Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics from 2014-2017. Professor Chan also serves as an Editorial Board Member (or similar) in a number of journals such as International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, Online Information Review.
Professor Chan is the vice-president of Association of Supply Chain and Operations Management (ASCOM). He is an Expert Committee Member of the Ningbo Municipal Commerce Bureau“Supply Chain Innovation and Applications Committee”. Professor is also listed on Stanford University's list of the top 2% scientists in the world.
Dr. Guojun Ji obtained his PhD degree in automation from Southeast University (SEU), Nanjing, China in 1998. He finished postdoctoral work at Washington State University in 1999 and served as a visiting scholar at the University of Washington in 2004. He is currently a professor in the School of Management, Xiamen University, China. His research interests include systematic engineering, supply chain management, information management and logistics engineering, and published papers are over 300. He is also involved in collaborative research in information management, supply chain management and service innovation.
Dr. Yinan Qi is the Professor of Business School at University of International Business and Economics and the president of Association of Supply Chain and Operations Management.He