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Strategies for Sustainability: Africa

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Lingua: Inglese


Pubblicazione: 01/2009
Edizione: 1° edizione

Note Editore

The World Conservation Union, Founded in 1948,brings together States government agencies and a diverse range of non-governmental organisations in a unique world partnership over 800 members in all, spread across some 136 countries. As a Union IUCN seeks to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources to equitable and ecological sustainable. The World Conservation Union builds on the strengths of its members, Networks and partners to enhance their capacity and to support global alliances to safeguard natural resources at local, regional and global levels. The Strategies For Sustainably Program of IUCN works to strengthen strategic planning, policy and implementation skills aimed at sustainability development at global, national and local levels. Working with networks of strategy practitioners from member governments, partner institutions and NGOs the programme assists in the conceptual development and analysis of experience of strategies, the development of a range of strategic planning and action planning skills and improved methods of assessing human and ecosystem well being. This volume, originally published in 1996, reviews more than a decadeof experience for sustainability in 12 African countries. These countries provide examples of very different approaches to strategy development and implementation. Many have been involved in the development of the National Environmental Action Plans (NEAPs) at the request of the World Bank. Other countries have developed their strategies independently, or have prepared National Conservation Strategies withe support from the IUCN.


Preface Synthesis and Analysis Botswana 1. Introduction 2. Scope and Objectives 3. Preparation of the NCS 4. Strategy Framework 5. Relationship to Planning and Decision-Making 6. Lessons Learned 7. Chronology Eritrea 1. Introduction 2. Initiation of the Strategy 3. Development of the Strategy 4. Finalizing and Publicizing the Plan 5. Specific Recommendations 6. Implementation and Anticipated Results 7. Issues 8. Chronology Ethiopia 1. Introduction 2. Phase One: Commencement 3. Scope and Objectives 4. Phase Two: Formulation 5. Relationship to Development Planning 6. Strengths and Weaknesses in the Development Phase 7. Phase Three: Implementation 8. Chronology Guinea-Conakry 1. Introduction 2. Scope and Objectives 3. Relationship to Development Planning 4. Initial Development 5. Implementation and Results 6. Lessons Learned 7. Chronology Kenya Background Environmental Action Plan for Arid and Semi-Arid Lands 1. Introduction 2. Scope and Objectives 3. Relationship to Development Planning 4. Strategy Development 5. Implementation and Results 6. Lessons Learned 7. Issues 8. Conclusions National Environmental Action Plan 1. Origins 2. The NEAP Process 3. Recommendations of the NEAP 4. Implementation of the NEAP: Recommendations 5. Lessons Learned 6. General Conclusions 7. Chronology Lesotho 1. Introduction 2. Development Phase 3. Scope of the National Action Plan 4. Institutional Arrangements for Implementation 5. Strategies for Implementation 6. Legal Framework 7. Financial Resources 8. Lessons Learned 9. Chronology Malawi 1. Introduction 2. Concept and Development 3. Relationship to Development Planning 4. Lessons Learned 5. Chronology Nigeria 1. Introduction 2. Scope and Objectives 3. Relationship to Development Planning 4. Initial Development 5. Implementation and Results 6. Factors Favouring the Strategy 7. Factors Hindering the Strategy 8. Lessons Learned 9. Chronology Serengeti 1. Introduction 2. Scope and Objectives 3. Relationship to Development Planning 4. Initial Development 5. Implementation and Results 6. Lessons Learned 7. Chronology Tanzania Background NCSSD 1. Introduction: The NCS Process 2. Scope and Objectives of the NCSSD 3. Relationship of the NCSSD to Development Planning 4. Initial Development 5. Implementation and Results of the NCSSD 6. Lessons Learned NEAP 1. Introduction to the NEAP Process 2. Development Phase 3. Lessons Learned 4. Implementation Phase 5. Strengths and Weaknesses of Implementation 6. Conclusions General Conclusions 7. Chronology Uganda 1. Introduction 2. Scope and Objectives 3. Relationship to Development Planning 4. Initial Development 5. Implementation 6. Lessons Learned 7. Chronology Zambia 1. Introduction 2. Scope and Objectives 3. Relationship to Development Planning 4. Initial Development 5. Preparation and Participation 6. Results and Implementation 7. Lessons Learned 8. Conclusions 9. Chronology Zimbabwe l. Introduction 2. Scope and Objectives 3. Relationship to Development Planning 4. Initial Development 5. Implementation and Results 6. Lessons Learned 7. Chronology

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Condizione: Nuovo
Collana: Sustainable Development Set
Dimensioni: 9.25 x 6.25 in Ø 1.25 lb
Formato: Brossura
Pagine Arabe: 228

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