IntroductionSustainable Agriculture: Definitions and GoalsFactors Determining SustainabilitySoil Fertility Essential Plant NutrientsCriteria for EssentialityBasis for Classification of Nutrients as Primary, Secondary, and MicronutrientsPrimary Nutrients, Secondary Nutrients, and MicronutrientsFunctions of Essential Nutrients in PlantsSoil the SustainerSoil Organic MatterSoil WaterSoil AirSoil Mineral MatterSoil ColloidsSoil Living OrganismsSoil ColloidsClay MineralsOxide MineralsOrganic MatterHumus, Its Structure and PropertiesC:N RatioFactors Affecting the Organic-Matter Content of SoilsSoil AcidityAcidsThe pH ConceptDetermination of Soil pHActive and Potential AcidityBuffering CapacityNature of Soil AcidityFactors Affecting Soil AciditySoil pH and Crop ProductionLime RequirementLiming MaterialsFineness of LimestoneSoil Salinity and SodicityCoverage and Special FeaturesCriteria for Determining Salinity/Sodicity ClassificationReclamation and Management of Saline SoilsCrop Production on Saline SoilsReclamation and Management of Sodic SoilsCrop Production on Sodic SoilsNitrogenSoil Organic N Mineralization of Soil Organic NitrogenFactors Affecting NitrificationNitrogen ImmobilizationAmmonium Fixation (Nonexchangable Ammonium)NH4 vs. NO3- Nutrition of PlantsBiological Nitrogen FixationNitrogen Fertilizers or Industrial Nitrogen FixationEfficient Nitrogen ManagementIncreasing N Use EfficiencyNitrogen Availability IndicesNitrogen-Deficiency SymptomsPhosphorusSoil PhosphorusPhosphate Retention or Fixation in SoilFactors Affecting the Retention of Phosphorus by SoilPhosphate Fertilizer Reaction Products in SoilIntensity (I) and Quantity (Q) Factors in Phosphorus AvailabilitySoil Testing for PhosphorusPhosphorus-Deficiency Symptoms in PlantsPhosphate FertilizersEfficient Phosphate ManagementPotassiumForms of Soil PotassiumQuantity/Intensity RelationshipsPotassium FixationLeaching of PotassiumPotassium FertilizersEfficient Use of Potassium FertilizersSulfurSulfur in SoilsSulfur and Its OxidationOxidation of PyritesAssessing S Needs of SoilSulfur Deficiency Symptoms in PlantsSulfur Needs of CropsSulfur FertilizationCalcium and MagnesiumCalcium and Magnesium in SoilFactors Affecting the Availability of Calcium and Magnesium in SoilsLeaching of Calcium and MagnesiumDetermining Available Calcium and MagnesiumCalcium and Magnesium Deficiency SymptomsCalcium and Magnesium AmendmentsIron and ManganeseAmounts and Forms of Iron and ManganeseSoil Solution Iron and ManganeseFactors Affecting Iron and Manganese AvailabilitySoil Tests for Iron and ManganeseDeficiency Symptoms of Iron and ManganeseToxicity Symptoms of Iron and ManganeseIron and Manganese FertilizersCopper and ZincAmounts in SoilForms of Copper and Zinc in SoilsFactors Affecting the Availability of Copper and ZincSoil Tests for Copper and ZincDeficiency Symptoms in PlantsCopper and Zinc FertilizersBoron and MolybdenumBoronMolybdenumChlorineChlorine in SoilsAddition of Chlorine to SoilsTesting Soils for Chlorine DeficiencyChlorine Deficiency SymptomsChlorine Toxicity SymptomsInteractions with Other NutrientsChlorides and Plant DiseasesCrop Responses to Chloride FertilizationChloride FertilizersBeneficial ElementsSodiumSiliconCobaltNickelAluminumVanadium, Lanthanum, and CeriumNutrient InteractionsInteractionsInteractions of Primary MacronutrientsInteractions of MicronutrientsOrganic ManuresCrop ResiduesAnimal ManuresCompostingOrganic FarmingIntegrated Nutrient ManagementCropping Systems, Soil Fertility, and Fertilizer UseLegumes in Crop RotationsIntercropping SystemsIntensive Cropping Systems and Soil FertilityFertilizer Application in Cropping SystemsIndexEach chapter contains References.NTI Copy (already approved)