Introduction. Understanding Social Work in Advanced Welfare States, Ian Shaw and Kjeld Hogsbro Section 1: Advanced Welfare States: European patterns and trends 1. Diversities and Patterns in Social Work and Research in Advanced Welfare States, Walter Lorenz 2. Social work and research in a Europe of Superdiversity, Dirk Geldof & Kristel Driessens 3. Beyond Flexicurity: The Shift towards Work-First and its Implications for Street-Level Work in the Danish Employment System, Henning Jorgensen, Kelvin Baadsgaard, and Mads Peter Klindt 4 The impact of Neoliberalism through ideas of productivity - The Case of Child Welfare in Denmark, Maria Appel Nissen Section 2: Directions in social work research in advanced welfare states 5. Controversies in social work research - A critical hermeneutic perspective, Soren Juul 6. Driving forces in practice research, Maja Lundemark Andersen, Kirsten Henriksen, Kirsten Mejlvig and Lars Uggerhoj 7. The materiality and materials of social work: on socio-material theories and social work research, Rasmus Hoffmann Birk 8. Institutional Ethnography for people in a vulnerable and oppressed situation, Kjeld Hogsbro 9. Disagreement as Reparative Critique in the Development of Social Work Practice, Merete Monrad and Martin Grunfeld Section 3: Directions in social work practice in advanced welfare states 10. Local Community Work as an Incubator – The Role of Governance Technologies in Local Community Work Approaches to Inclusion, Mia Arp Fallov and Lykke Larsen 11. Proactive, Ambivalent and Defensive Relations between Social Work and Social Policy: The Shaping of Productivity, Mia Arp Fallov, Maria Appel Nissen, Jens Kjærulff, Pia Ringø, and Rasmus Hoffmann Birk 12. Vulnerable children and young people: An enduring challenge in the Danish welfare state, Betina Jacobsen, Erik Laursen and Karin Kildedal 13. The conception of disability and mental illness in advanced welfare states – A review and a proposal, Pia Ringo and Kjeld Hogsbro 14. The body in social pedagogical work, Mie Engen Conclusion References