Contents: G.C. Bowker, S.L. Star, W. Turner, L. Gasser, General Introduction. Part I:Social Theory and CSCW. S.L. Star, Introduction: Social Theory and CSCW. M. Lea, R. Giordano, Representations of the Group and Group Processes in CSCW Research: A Case of Premature Closure? J.A. Goguen, Towards a Social, Ethical Theory of Information. Y. Rogers, Reconfiguring the Social Scientist: Shifting From Telling Designers What to do to Getting More Involved. W. Sharrock, G. Button, Engineering Investigations: Practical Sociological Reasoning in the Work of Engineers. J. Yoneyama, Computer Systems as Text and Space: Towards a Phenomenological Hermeneutics of Development and Use. Part II:Design Theory and CSCW. L. Gasser, Introduction: Design Theory and CSCW. P.E. Agre, Toward a Critical Technical Practice: Lessons Learned in Trying to Reform AI. E. Axel, According Tools With Meaning Within the Organization of Concrete Work Situations. J. Blomberg, L. Suchman, R. Trigg, Relating Work Practice and System Design: Two Cases From a Law Firm. S. Bødker, E. Christiansen, Scenarios as Springboards in CSCW Design. J-P. Poitou, Building a Collective Knowledge Management System: Knowledge Editing Versus Knowledge Eliciting Techniques. M. Robinson, "As Real As It Gets..." -- Taming Models and Reconstructing Procedures. C.A. Macias-Chapula, An Approach to Identifying the Role of "Information" In a Health Care System Implications for the Quality of Health. Part III:The Sociotechnical System and CSCW. W. Turner, Introduction: The Sociotechnical System and CSCW. M. Berg, Formal Tools and Medical Practices: Getting Computer-Based Decision Techniques to Work. I.A. Monarch, S.L. Konda, S.N. Levy, Y. Reich, E. Subrahmanian, C. Ulrich, Mapping Sociotechnical Networks in the Making. L. Bannon, Dwelling in the "Great Divide": The Case of HCI and CSCW. J. Taylor, G. Gurd, T. Bardini, The Worldviews of Cooperative Work. I. Wagner, On Multidisciplinary Grounds: Interpretation Versus Design Work. K. Keller, Understanding of Work and Explanation of Systems.