Conceptual Discussions; 1 Social and Political Transitions in Latin America: From the Left Turn’s Rise to its Decline - Daniel S. Leon, Carolina Rozo-Higuera, Karen Silva-Torres; 2 Radical Left-Wing Political Regimes in the Context of the Latin American "Left Turn" - Radek Buben and Jan Nemec; Part I: Transitions by State Actors; 3 The Return of Mano Dura in Venezuela: The Political Economy of Transitions in Urban Security Policies since 1950 - Daniel S. Leon; 4 Education, Labor, and Inequality in Ecuador, 2006-2016: Building Social Convergence - Ernesto Nieto-Carrillo; 5 Archives, Memory and Human Rights: The Right to Truth and the Right to Tell in Colombian Policies and Memory Initiatives - Carolina Rozo-Higuera; 6 Transformations in the Colombian Migration Regime amidst the Venezuelan Migration Crisis: An Introduction to the Analysis of the Refugee Category - Maria Gabriela Trompetero; 7 Transitions of University Autonomy in Ecuador: From Market Heteronomy to Responsible Autonomy - Rina Pazos and Jorge Fabara; Part II: Transitions by Societal Actors; 8 Peronism is a Sentiment: Affect and Ideology in Argentine Populism - Julia Fierman; 9 The Nexus between Social Movements and Transition: Insights from the Bolivian TIPNIS Conflict - Maximilian Görgens; 10 Political Violence and Religious Change in Ayacucho, Peru: Reconciliation and Forgiveness as Local Mechanisms among Evangelical Conflict Survivors - Ariane Kovac; 11 From Victimization to Political Action? Understanding the (Un)Existing Political Participation of Central American Immigrants in Mexico - Indi Carolina Kryg; 12 Hirschman Revisited: Exit, Voice, and Loyalty in the Venezuelan Crisis - Stiven Tremaria; Continuities and Disruptions of Latin American Transitions; 13 Seven Theses on the Refeudalization of Latin America - Olaf Kaltmeier; 14 Liminal Transition Processes in Latin America - Carolina Rozo-Higuera, Daniel S. Leon, and Karen Silva-Torres