Contents: R.D. Taylor, M.C. Wang, Preface. E.W. Gordon, Introduction: The Resilience Phenomenon in Ethnic Minority Adolescent Development. Part I:Economic Resources, Family Environment, and Adolescent Adjustment. V.C. McLoyd, The Impact of Poverty and Low Socioeconomic Status on the Socioemotional Functioning of African-American Children and Adolescents: Mediating Effects. R.D. Taylor, The Effects of Economic and Social Stressors on Parenting and Adolescent Adjustment in African-American Families. C.A. Flanagan, P. Ingram, E.M. Gallay, E.E. Gallay, Why Are People Poor? Social Conditions and Adolescents' Interpretation of the Social Contract. A.S. Clarke, The American Indian Child: Victims of the Culture of Poverty or Cultural Discontinuity? Part II:Family and Peer Contexts and Adolescent Adjustment. C.A. Mason, A.M. Cauce, N. Gonzales, Parents and Peers in the Lives of African-American Adolescents: An Interactive Approach to the Study of Problem Behavior. R.W. Henderson, Educational and Occupational Aspirations and Expectations Among Parents of Middle School Students of Mexican Descent: Family Resources for Academic Development and Mathematics Learning. C. Chan, Attitudes Toward Sexuality and Sexual Behaviors of Asian-American Adolescents: Implications for Risk of HIV Infection. M.N. Wilson, D.Y. Cook, E.G. Arrington, African-American Adolescents and Academic Achievement: Family and Peer Influences. Part III:Neighborhood and Schooling Contexts and Adolescent Adjustment. W.L. Yancey, S.J. Saporito, Racial and Economic Segregation and Educational Outcomes: One Tale, Two Cities. D.P. Swanson, M.B. Spencer, Developmental Considerations of Gender-Linked Attributes During Adolescence. L.C. Rigsby, J.C. Stull, N. Morse-Kelley, Determinants of Student Educational Expectations and Achievement: Race/Ethnicity and Gender Differences. R.D. Taylor, M.C. Wang, Epilogue.